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Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith recognised in King’s 2024 New Year Honours List

Thu 11 January 2024

Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith

On 1 January 2024, Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith was honoured as Knight Bachelor in His Majesty The King’s New Year Honours 2024 List. An alumnus of Edinburgh Law School, Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith is an Emeritus Professor of Medical Law and was recognised for his services to literature, academia, and charity. 

Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith is a valued member of Edinburgh Law School and the University of Edinburgh at large. In 2006, he received the Alumnus of the Year Awards from the University of Edinburgh and in 2007, he was awarded a CBE along with an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the University. 

On this latest honour, Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith said: “In all my writing I have been very aware of the great debt of gratitude I have to the Edinburgh Law School for the many years of intellectual community that I enjoyed there. I am so pleased to see the Law School going from strength to strength and playing such a major role in Scotland and internationally.”

Edinburgh Law School congratulates Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith on his achievements and contributions across various fields. A full press release on him being recognised as a Knight Bachelor can be found on his website

Professor Sir Alexander McCall Smith – Profile 

University community recognised in New Year Honours
