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Professor Anne-Maree Farrell appointed to Scottish Government's Abortion Law Expert Group

Wed 30 October 2024

Anne-Maree Farrell profile picture

Professor Anne-Maree Farrell has been appointed as a member of the Scottish Government’s Abortion Law Review Expert Group.

The Group has been established to review the current law on abortion and provide Scottish Ministers with recommendations on whether or not aspects of the existing law should be changed. If so, the Group will advise on potential legislative changes and any other changes needed to support such change.

The Group will explore a range of topics including but not limited to, gestational limits, grounds for abortion, conscientious objection, data and reporting, oversight of providers, and offences and regulations. Members of the Group include academic, clinical, legal and patient-focused experts, with input to be received from other relevant experts on particular topics.

Further details regarding the work of the Group and its terms of reference can be accessed via the Scottish Government website.
