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Prof Gabrielle Marceau speaks at inaugural discussion group on International Dispute Settlements

Wed 6 March 2019

Gabrielle Marceau

On 6 March 2019, the Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law held the first discussion of the newly created discussion group on International Dispute Settlements, with Professor Gabrielle Marceau from the University of Geneva speaking.

Prof Marceau has been a Counsellor in the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO since 1994, where her main function is to advise panellists in WTO disputes, as well as the Director-General Office and the Secretariat on WTO related matters.

At the discussion group, Prof Marceau discussed contemporary issues and responded to specific questions regarding international dispute settlement. It was a useful exercise for those interested international dispute settlements and formed the cornerstone for future activities of the discussion group.   

More about Prof Gabrielle Marceau
