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Edinburgh Law School Alumni Newsletter - 2020

Tue 1 December 2020

Edinburgh Law School Alumni Newsletter: 2020

Features: Interview with Lord Reed | Conversation with BAME members of our community | Insight into Covid-related research | Fascinating news stories from our alumni

In a year of challenges and disruption, at Edinburgh Law School we continue to strive for excellence across research and teaching. Little more than a year after our long-awaited return to Old College, the Law School once again had to decant, in what would mark the beginning of a strange and uncertain time for all. Despite this, staff and students rose to the challenge with a rapid and, under the circumstances, smooth transition to a new remote working environment. As semester one draws to a close, we are reflecting on the successes of hybrid teaching and congratulating our students on their maturity and adaptability during a trying start to the year.. Though the year may have been coloured by extraordinary events of global significance, we continued to excel in the realm of research, with new projects launched, while findings from existing projects contributed to important legislative changes. We continue to live up to our name as Scotland’s leading legal research institution, and you can read about a few of our current projects on page 29. This year has also seen the recognition of our dedication to excellence, as the Law School rises in the world subject rankings. Read more on page 10. While, as always, we were sad to say goodbye to staff members who moved on to new chapters this year, we have also had the pleasure of welcoming a number of new colleagues to our community. You can read our staff news on page 3. This year also bought into focus the continuing injustices against people of colour and other minority groups. We are committed to fighting injustice, and support all our community and beyond in their aim for equality and safety. You can read an article with some of our BAME students and alumni on page 21. Of course, it has also been an exciting year for you, our alumni, with fantastic achievements within and outside of the legal field. Read our interview with new Supreme Court Justice Lord Reed on page 15. We hope this annual newsletter finds you well this year of all years, and we look forward to hearing and celebrating more of your news over the next few months.

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