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Edinburgh Law School Alumni Newsletter - 2016

Fri 1 July 2016

Alumni newsletter summer 2016 cover

Features: Decant from Old College for Refurbishment Project | Farewell to Professor George Gretton | Spotlight on 1981 | Shaping the Future of the UK after the EU Referendum

As you read this edition of Edinburgh Law School’s alumni newsletter, we will have bidden adieu to Old College and settled in to our temporary home in the David Hume Tower. Refurbishment work on the Law School is making wonderful progress and we are on track to move back in to our state-of-the-art building in January 2018. You can have a look at the construction in progress on page 9. The month of June not only saw us say farewell to our historic home, but also to our esteemed colleague and friend Professor George Gretton. George retired from his position as Lord President Reid Professor of Law at the end of June; as tribute to his 35 years with the School we have a dedicated feature to 1981, the year he started. During the decant of Old College we (serendipitously) uncovered an archive of the old Law Student Council’s biannual magazine The Old College Times. As part of this special feature, we sent a copy of the Autumn 1981 edition to the editors and contributors and were delighted to receive some lovely memories of that time. Head to pages 6 & 7 to read this feature and the 1981 Old College Times. As always, this issue will not just look to the past. The work of our staff continues to reflect contemporary issues and is becoming ever more significant, influencing debates on the EU referendum, bioethics, police practices and peace processes. You can read more about the impact of our research on page 4. So as we celebrate our past and invest in our future, we hope you will continue to join us on our journey. Don’t forget to send us your latest contact details and sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with the School’s latest goings on.

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