Dr Martin David Kelly gives Statute Law Society lecture
Wed 29 May 2024
Earlier this month, Dr Martin David Kelly, Lecturer in Legal Theory, Edinburgh Law School, gave a public lecture organised by the Statute Law Society. Dr Kelly was invited to lecture on the notion that laws are “always speaking” after members of the Council of the Statute Law Society had read his article on this topic, which has now been published by the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies.
The lecture took place on Wednesday, 15 May 2024, at Bentham House in London, and was chaired by The Hon. Mr Justice Garnham (the Chairman of the Statute Law Society). The lecture was also broadcast online and it was attended by around 70 people, including leading lawyers such as Sir Stephen Laws (former First Parliamentary Counsel). Dr Kelly commented: “I was delighted to receive the invitation to talk to the Statute Law Society about this important topic, and I am glad to have had such thoughtful engagement from those who attended. My thanks to Mr Justice Garnham and the Statute Law Society for organising this wonderful event.”
The Statute Law Society (SLS) was founded in 1968 and has members throughout the UK and the world. It is a charitable body which aims to educate the legal profession and the public about the legislative process, with a view to encouraging improvements in statute law. Recent SLS Lecturers have included The Hon. Justice David Goddard (Court of Appeal of New Zealand), Prof David Howarth (University of Cambridge), and Lord Anderson KBE KC.
A recording of Dr Kelly's lecture will be made available on the Statute Law Society website in the coming weeks.