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Dr Lamont-Black addresses IDIT conference in Rouen

Thu 7 November 2019

Dr Lamont-Black Rouen

On 10 and 11 October 2019, Dr Simone Lamont-Black addressed the 50th Anniversary and Knowledge Exchange conference organised by the Institut du Droit International des Transports (IDIT, the Institute for International Transport Law) in Rouen, France. The conference theme was “Innovation et mobilités : où va le droit ? (Innovation and Mobility: Where is the Law going?)” and Dr Lamont-Black was invited to provide a comparative overview over the different concepts and regimes governing the business of the freight forwarder in a number of common law and civil law jurisdictions.

The conference celebrated the 50th Anniversary of IDIT, which takes a key role in the study of all legal, economic and technical questions relating to all types of transport, both national (French) and international. It furthermore maintains an important repository for case-law on the International Convention for International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) 1956.

