Transformative indicators for women, peace and security | PeaceRep research seminar with Dr Laura McLeod
Teaching Room 7,
Edinburgh Law School
Thu 9 January 2025
PeaceRep’s January research seminar will feature Dr Laura McLeod, Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester. Laura will present her recent article, Transformative indicators? Gender expertise and technocratic peace, followed by a response from PeaceRep Senior Research Fellow Laura Wise and an open discussion.
Presented in collaboration with PeaceRep, Edinburgh Law School, the International Relations Research Group, and genderED.
The seminar will be held in person and refreshments will be provided.
Speaker profile: Dr Laura McLeod is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester. She works broadly in the areas of gender, feminism, security and peacebuilding in post-conflict contexts. Much of her focus has been on the United Nations Security Council's Women, Peace and Security agenda, activities around it and its implementation within the United Nations and former Yugoslavia, in particular Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
(Photo by ARMEND NIMANI/AFP via Getty Images)