LLM in International Law
The LLM in International Law is designed for those wishing to specialise in public international law and provides you with the opportunity to study the fundamentals of international law and international relations at an advanced level.
The programme encourages and supports the development of independent thinking and research skills to prepare students for a career in international law or international organisations. Courses will cover the theoretical basis for the development of international law, as well as exploring real-life examples and case studies on how rules and principles are applied in practice.
The vast majority of students will have a first degree in law or international relations. Previous knowledge of international law is not a prerequisite, but those unfamiliar with the subject are advised to take Fundamental Issues in International Law as one of their options.
I had the opportunity to develop a broad and solid knowledge of International Law, while being supported throughout this journey by extraordinary academics.
International law is an important discipline that provides the framework for cooperation in many fields of international relations, including:
- Peace and security
- Trade and investment
- Environmental protection
- Telecommunications
- Air travel
- Maritime navigation
A qualification in international law opens up opportunities for jobs in a wide range of sectors, including working for government foreign ministries, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations or consultancies involved in international affairs.
The University of Edinburgh has been one of the leading centres for teaching and research in Public International Law since 1707.
Today, Edinburgh Law School has a dynamic team of research-active international legal experts who are at the cutting-edge of their discipline, providing fresh insights and informed commentary on key international legal developments, from treaty negotiation to dispute settlement.
Our staff are often directly involved in shaping the international legal framework, either as legal counsel, legal advisers, or consultants. This work directly informs teaching on the LLM in International Law, which will give you a knowledge and understanding of both the law on the books and the law in practice.
The School hosts a range of events throughout the year, including public lectures and conferences attracting high-profile speakers and delegates.
Through the recently launched Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law (ECIGL), leading scholars, judges, practitioners and other experts, will be invited to share their experience of international law through lectures, seminars and workshops.
Contact us
If you have any questions about applying to the LLM in International Law please don't hesitate to contact us.
Proposed new programme
We would like to hear your views on a potential new postgraduate opportunity in Transnational Law. Please fill out our short survey.
This programme can be taken full-time over one year, or part-time over two years subject to visa restrictions.
The programme offers a range of specialised courses on issues of contemporary significance that reflect the research interests of members of staff. There is no compulsory course on the programme, which means that you have a large degree of flexibility as to the subjects you may study.
The programme consists of 180 credits, comprising taught courses worth 120 credits (60 credits per semester) and a 10,000 word dissertation worth 60 credits. Full programme details for the 2024-25 academic year are available on the University Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study website.
View 2024-25 programme information for the LLM in International Law
Courses shown below are scheduled for the 2024-25 academic year.
Depending on demand, space on specific courses may be limited.
You must take between 80 and 120 credits of the following courses
Fundamental Issues in International Law (40 credits, two-semester course)
This is a course aimed at introducing students to fundamental debates about the nature of international law and the international legal order today, and its relationship to states, markets, conflict, justice and human rights. The course is historical, conceptual, theoretical and legal. It introduces students to key ideas and arguments about where the international legal order is coming from and where it is going, what its building blocks are, and how those components are changing. A theme uniting the course is the extent to which the international legal order is shifting from a classical jus inter gentes to something else: a law of global governance, a global administrative law, a law of rights and regulation, or some combination.
International Environmental Law (40 credits, two-semester course)
This course explores the institutions, rules, and principles concerning the protection of the environment at the international level. The course is designed as an introductory course in order to develop students' knowledge of the key sources of international environmental law, their understanding of some of the most important treaties in this field, and an awareness of the challenges associated with the development and enforcement of international environmental law.
International Investment Law (20 credits)
This course will give an introduction to the major themes and issues of international investment law. The focus of study is the rules contained in the network of more than 3000 bilateral and multilateral treaties on investment protection, as well as the growing number of decisions by arbitral tribunals in this field. Students will analyse the substantive principles of investment law, such as most-favoured nation treatment, fair and equitable treatment, and the rules relating to expropriation. They will also study mechanisms for dispute settlement in the context of investment disputes, particularly investor-state arbitration. Throughout the course, students will consider the extent to which international investment law draws an appropriate balance between investment protection on the one hand and the ability of states to regulate on key public policy issues on the other hand. Students will also look at the challenges of developing a coherent regime of investment rules.
Inter-state Conflict and Humanitarian Law (20 credits)
The course will comprise the study of conflict in international law. It will be concerned with the law relating to the resort of armed force by states. The law relating to self-defence will be studied. There will also be a focus on humanitarian law, in particular, on the law relating to entitlement to combatant status, on the law regulating the conduct of hostilities between opposing forces and the law on the protection of civilians in armed conflict. In addition, there will be a study of post-conflict issues.International Climate Change Law (20 credits)
This course seeks to give students an in-depth and interdisciplinary insight into the major legal instruments of international climate change law, including the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the emerging mechanisms. Students are expected to have a sound knowledge of public international law. A familiarity with basic economics and international relations theory is also helpful but not essential.
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution (20 credits)
This course will examine the role of human rights in intra-state conflict and in peace processes. In particular it will examine how peace processes and agreements deal with power-sharing arrangements, transitional justice mechanisms, gender equality, and return of refugees. The course will examine the moral, political and practical dilemmas in dealing with these issues, and consider the extent to which human rights law provides useful guidance and requirements, or hinders conflict resolution efforts. The course will also touch on the overlapping requirements of international humanitarian law and international criminal law.
International Human Rights Law (20 credits)
This course will focus on the international law of human rights, primarily through looking at the U.N. system including Charter and Treaty bodies as well as looking at the links between International human rights law and other related fields such as International Humanitarian law and International Criminal law.
International and European Media Law (20 credits)
This course will examine the impact of International and European law on, firstly, the structure of media markets and, secondly, the content of media services. The course will start with a discussion of the nature of the media, the media 'value chain', and the relationship between media freedom, freedom of expression and other human rights. It will examine the various international organisations competent in the media field and the regulatory strategies that are being adopted to deal with media convergence and globalisation. In relation to structural matters, consideration will be given to consolidation of media ownership and state funding of the media, in particular public service broadcasting. In relation to content controls, the course will examine attempts to create a more equitable flow of media content and concerns over 'media imperialism', the regulatory problems posed by pornography and hate speech and the balance to be struck between freedom of the media and privacy.
You will attain a good understanding of the interplay between domestic and international law in this field, as well as the role of soft law and self or private regulation. They will be encouraged to think about the future role of law and regulation in a rapidly changing media environment.
WTO Law 1 (20 credits)
The aim of the course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the multilateral trading system. The course will cover the institutional and the substantive law of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which since its establishment in 1995 has played a central role in, among other things, promoting the two underlying principles of non-discrimination and trade liberalisation. After analysing theoretical and practical arguments for and against free trade and the role of institutions in international trade, the course will then focus on the institutional structure and decision-making process of the WTO, including its unique system of the settlement of trade disputes. Students will then explore the key legal disciplines relating to international trade in goods (GATT) and services (GATS), particularly the principle of non-discrimination and market-access rules. In addition, the course will address the central issue of technical barriers to trade.
International Ocean Governance and the Protection of the Marine Environment (20 credits)
The course provides an introduction to the fundamental pillars of the modern law of the sea, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, as well as the key institutions, processes and actors involved in international ocean governance. It aims to identify opportunities for developing effective and integrated policies for the sustainable development of the seas, as well the challenges and barriers associated therewith.
Law and Development (20 credits)
What, if anything, is development, and what role does law play in its theories and practices?
To answer these questions, the course will consider the history and evolution of some of the major economic theories of development; their translation into diverse political and social policies; and the traces and legacies they have left behind in today¿s development thinking. It will also consider the ideas about law embedded in these theories and the way they have been put into practice. In particular, the course will explore the role of law and institutions in the creation of markets and the allocation of capital and power.Economic and Social Rights (20 credits)
This course will provide students with an advanced introduction to the evolving uses of economic and social rights. It will examine debates about the nature of these rights and examine their recent constitutionalisation in some states. The course will examine the impact of economic and social rights jurisprudence and adjudication, and ask whether the legal language of economic and social rights can address contemporary problems of distributive justice, inequality and the retreat of systems of national welfare.
Global South Actors in International Relations and International Law, 1945-present(20 credits)
The course objectives are to build knowledge of Global South contributions and to foster research, presenting, and analytical skills. By the end of the course, students will have in-depth knowledge of: Regional norms in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia and how regional bodies shape regional legal and political norms; The intersection of political and legal norms and their impact on governance, policy, and practice; Theories of norm creation and dissemination and how regional actors may have influenced regional and global governance; Areas of normative innovation by Global South actors and how these actors may have impacted policies and practice in other regions and globally.
You will have the option to take between 0 and 40 credits of courses from different subject areas offered by the Law School, depending on availability and with the express permission of the Programme Director. Depending on demand, space on courses outside the core courses may be limited.
Full programme details, including core and optional courses is available on the University Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study website.
View 2024-25 programme information for the LLM in International Law
Having successfully completed 120 credit points of courses within the LLM, you will be ready to move onto a single piece of independent and in-depth research. The 10,000 word dissertation allows you to focus on a preferred topic from within the field of international law, normally based on a subject you have studied in one of your courses during the programme.
You will be assigned an academic dissertation supervisor who will provide you with support and guidance while you prepare and write your dissertation.
The dissertation is a challenging but rewarding endeavour, asking you to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of the relevant literature and an ability to engage critically with a range of sources, drawing on the skills and knowledge you have developed during the course of the programme. Students are encouraged to show originality and evidence of independent thinking, whether in terms of the material used, or the manner in which it is presented.
The dissertation is written in the summer months (April to August) after the taught courses are successfully completed.
Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances or lack of demand for particular courses, we may not be able to run all courses as advertised come the start of the academic year.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the LLM in International Law please don't hesitate to contact us.
Page update: Courses for the 2024-25 year were published on the 3rd May 2024.
Staff teaching on the core courses of the LLM in International Law are experts in their field and are actively involved in cutting-edge research in variety of areas of international law. Staff teaching on courses will include but not be restricted to:
Professor Nehal Bhuta - Programme Director 2024-25
Nehal Bhuta joined Edinburgh Law School from the European University Institute where he was Professor of Public International Law. His research interests include: International law, human rights, international humanitarian law, history and theory of international law, indicators in global governance, histories of rights, political theory, theory of the state, international criminal law.
Professor Filippo Fontanelli joined the Law School in 2015. Before joining the School he lectured law at the School of Law of the University of Surrey (2012-2014), where he taught public international law, law of the World Trade Organisation, EU law I and II, international law of foreign investment protection and international law of human rights protection.
He is a member of the Centre for Judicial Cooperation of the European University Institute of Fiesole (Italy) and routinely provides training sessions to judges and practitioners on matters of EU law and human rights protection in Europe. He is also admitted to the bar in Italy (Rome).
Dr McCall-Smith is a lecturer in Public International Law and programme director for the LLM in Human Rights. She joined the Law School on a permanent basis in 2014 having contributed to a number of international law and human rights law courses since 2008. She is a US qualified lawyer and holds a BA (1998) and Juris Doctor (2001) from the University of Arkansas School of Law.
She is an active researcher in international human rights law and interested in the role of the UN human rights treaty bodies as generators of law. She is also currently exploring the increasingly blurred distinction between public and private international law in terms of human rights protection. Alongside her role as an academic, Dr McCall-Smith acts as a consultant on projects across a range of issues relating to human rights.
She serves on the Global Justice Academy steering committee and as its representative to the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI).
Stephen Neff's primary research interest is the history of public international law. He is the author of a book on the historical development of international economic law. His current focus is the history of the law of neutrality. Another major interest is international human rights law, from both the academic and the practical standpoints.
Stephen will be on sabbatical in semester 2 of the 2022-23 academic year.
Find out more
Deval joined Edinburgh Law School in 2020 as Lecturer in International Economic Law. He previously held research positions at Harvard Law School and the Graduate Institute, Geneva; and taught on international law and development at the Graduate Institute, Harvard, Manchester, SOAS, and Universidad de los Andes. Deval also has a decade of experience working for the World Bank on rule of law and governance in Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leone and Uganda; as well as advising the UN on rule of law issues. Trained in history and French literature (M.A., Oxford), and law and social theory (LL.M. and S.J.D., Harvard Law School), he is a member of the Bar of England and Wales.
His current research spans law and development, expertise, (de)colonial patterns of knowledge and authority, and theories of the state in the Global South. His ongoing projects focus on the administrative structures of social welfare provision in the South; the effects of decentralization on mining governance in the South; the nature and function of legal expertise in development projects; and the politics of social scientific comparative methods as they are applied in Southern contexts.
James Harrison joined the School of Law as a member of academic staff in July 2007. He holds law degrees from the University of Edinburgh (PhD, LLM) and the University of East Anglia (LLB). James teaches on a number of international law courses, including specialist courses in the international law of the sea, international environmental law, and international law for the protection of the marine environment. His research interests span these areas, considering how the legal rules evolve and interact, as well as examining how international law and policy influences the domestic legal framework. He also has a particular interest in the contribution of international courts and tribunals to the development of international law. James is an Annual Case Review Editor (International Environmental Law) for the Journal of Environmental Law.
Dr Behrens joined the Law School as Lecturer in International Criminal Law in 2012. His principal research interests are international criminal law, diplomatic law, international humanitarian law and comparative constitutional law. Paul has published articles and book chapters on various fields of international law and is co-editor of Elements of Genocide (Routledge 2012) and The Criminal Law of Genocide (Ashgate 2007).
He is an Associate of the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Leicester University and member of the Surrey International Law Centre. Together with the director of the Stanley Burton Centre, he is the founder of an interdisciplinary research initiative which has hosted conferences on selected topics in the field of genocide studies.
Michelle Burgis-Kasthala joined the Law School in September 2013. Her teaching focusses on public international law and international human rights law. Her research centres on the operation and contestation over international law across the Arab World.
Ana María Daza Vargas joined the Law School as a teaching fellow in 2013. She teaches a number of courses within the Programme of International Economic Law, such as WTO Law, International Investment Law and International Commercial Arbitration. Ana María’s research interests cover International Investment Law, International Law, Water Law and Water Management, WTO Law and Economic Regulation.
Michael Hennessy Picard holds a PhD in Law from the University of Quebec in Montreal, for which he was awarded two Best Thesis Prizes by the Quebec Society of Law Professors and the Quebec Society of International Law. Before joining the Edinburgh Law School, Michael was a research fellow at the McGill Law Faculty, Harvard Law School’s Institute for Global Law & Policy, and University College London.
Prof Andrew Lang joined the University of Edinburgh in 2017 as Chair in Public International Law and Global Governance. He was formerly Professor of Law at the London School of Economics, where he taught from 2006-2017.
His current research thematically focusses on a number of themes around global economic governance, including the relationship between law and expert knowledge, theoretical international law and economics, and sociological approaches to the study of international economic law. He is co-authoring a commentary on the WTO’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, and has ongoing projects relating to the treatment of subsidies in WTO law, the WTO implications of Brexit, and the SPS agreement.
The staff teaching on this programme are subject to change for 2024-25. Staff listed as on sabbatical will not be available to teach for the duration of their sabbatical.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the LLM in International Law please don't hesitate to contact us.
Find out what it's like to study for an LLM in International Law at Edinburgh Law School from our current and former students.
James, from Northern Ireland, studied for an LLM in International Law in the 2021/22 academic year, graduating in 2022. In this video he talks about his experience of studying for an LLM at Edinburgh Law School, life in Edinburgh and plans for the future.
Natsuki studied the LLM in International Law in the 2021/22 academic year and graduated in 2022.
"What is unique about this programme is that it brings together people with legal backgrounds and those without. In my year, about half of us, including myself, were from different disciplines such as international relations, political science, etc. The cohort was very international, too. Such diversity created a dynamic atmosphere for discussions in and outside classes. Many professors also tried to incorporate different perspectives and encouraged us to question the ‘classic’ ideas that we tend to take for granted.
Apart from the classes, I received generous support for dissertation writing. My supervisor was passionate from the beginning to help me find a good topic that truly fits my interests, navigate the research and structure my argument. Dissertation writing was a long and intense work, but I’m very satisfied with mine and I wouldn’t have been able to write it in such a way without his supervision.
I felt that the postgraduate office team was very attentive as well. On top of that, this city is so beautiful. The year living in this quiet but lively environment as a student was such precious time. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested!"
Maria, from Greece, studied for an LLM in International Law in the 2019/20 academic year, graduating in 2020. In this video she talks about her experience of studying for an LLM at Edinburgh Law School, life in Edinburgh, completing her studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and her plans for the future.
After graduating with a law degree in Germany, I choose the LLM in International Law at the University of Edinburgh, because it allowed me to select courses in both, public and private international law. This was essential to me, since I was not certain, which area of the law I wanted to pursue in my future legal career. However, I was certain, that I wanted to broaden my horizon from my domestic legal system to the international level. To do this, the University of Edinburgh provided the perfect setting.
In particular, I encountered the fast developing area of Climate Law and was happy to attend many other interesting courses, such as Media Law, as well.
Furthermore, the city itself and Scotland as a whole offer all opportunities you need to have a memorable time with interesting people from all over the world. In retrospect, the time in Edinburgh exceeded my expectations and I am looking forward to come back in the future.
Claudia graduated with an LLM in International Law in 2020. In this video she talks about her experience of studying for an LLM at Edinburgh Law School, life in Edinburgh, completing her studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and her plans for the future.
Taanya, from India, studied for an LLM in International Law in the 2019/20 academic year, graduating in 2020. In this video she talks about her experience of studying for an LLM at Edinburgh Law School, life in Edinburgh, completing her studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and her plans for the future.
Marianna, an LLM student from Portugal, talks about her experience of studying for an LLM in International Law at Edinburgh Law School and life in Edinburgh.
Maria studied the LLM in International Law during the 2018-19 academic year, graduating in 2019. Here she talks about her reasons for wanting to study this programme and her experience of studying at Edinburgh Law School.
Amy studied for an LLM in International Law at Edinburgh Law School, the University of Edinburgh during the 2018-19 academic year, graduating in 2019. In this video she talks about her experience on the LLM and living in Edinburgh.
Sarah studied the LLM in International Law in the 2018/19 academic year and graduated in 2019.
The programme all together was an amazing experience. It was challenging and took my knowledge of the law to the next level. Most of my courses focused on International Economic Law and every two-hour lecture I entered I didn’t want to end. I would look forward to the reading list that was never dull nor irrelevant. I enjoyed prepping for and engaging in the class discussions.
We had several guest lectures from international organisations, Academics from other universities, and governmental officials. More importantly, it is extremely satisfying seeing how Edinburgh University has equipped me for my legal profession, and prepared me for the academic career I aspire to end up in.
I loved living in Edinburgh, the city is cosy not too big not too small. It’s safe and the Scottish people are the nicest people I have ever met. Everything is walking distance away; the University campus itself was in the heart of the city and it just made studying and getting around the city very comfortable. The city is filled with history, and fun attractions and activities to do. I like how it’s generally quiet, but with just the right amount of entertainment; like the Christmas market in winter and Fringe Festival in the summer.
Something that really stood out for me is how supportive and helpful the University staff and post graduate office was. On several occasions with myself and others they have shown their upmost support which was very pleasant and made the experience all the more impeccable.
The past year has made me discover a new passion for academic research that is why I want to enrol in a PhD programme and tackle the challenges that face international law as I have learned to do in Edinburgh.
Christian talks about his experience of studying for an LLM in International Law at Edinburgh Law School, the University of Edinburgh.
Alvaro, from Paraguay, studied the LLM in International Law in the 2016/17 academic year, graduating in 2017. We caught up with Alvaro three years later to talk about his experience of studying for an LLM at Edinburgh Law School, life in Edinburgh, and how it has helped his career.
Victor studied the LLM in International Law at Edinburgh Law School, the University of Edinburgh, in the 2016/17 academic year and graduated in 2017. Here he talks about the benefits of studying the LLM.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the LLM in International Law please don't hesitate to contact us.
Applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now open.
Please note that the information provided is for entry in the 2025-26 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ.
This programme can be taken full-time over one year, or part-time over two years subject to visa restrictions.
Due to high demand, the school operates a number of selection deadlines. We will make a small number of offers to the most outstanding candidates on an ongoing basis, but hold the majority of applications until the next published selection deadline when we will offer a proportion of the places available to applicants selected through a competitive process.
We recommend that you apply as early as possible. This is particularly important for applicants who may need to allow sufficient time to take an English language test, for overseas students who may need time to satisfy necessary visa requirements and/or to apply for University accommodation.
Apply for September 2025 entryWe require a minimum 2:1 honours degree from a UK university, or its international equivalent, in law. We may also consider a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in international relations or another social science subject. Entry to this programme is competitive. Meeting minimum requirements for consideration does not guarantee an offer of study.
Supporting your application
- Relevant work experience is not required but may increase your chances of acceptance.
- Relevant professional qualifications will be considered.
- Preference will be given to those with grades above the minimum requirements due to strong competition for places on this programme.
International qualifications
You can check whether your degree qualification is equivalent to the minimum standard before applying.
Students from China
This degree is Band A.
Find out more about our postgraduate entry requirements for students from China
Postgraduate study in the field of law requires a thorough, complex and demanding knowledge of English, so we ask that the communication skills of all students are at the same minimum standard.
You must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies, regardless of your nationality or country of residence.
If you have already met our English language entry requirements for your programme at the time you apply, your application may be considered more competitive in selection than applications where you still need to take an English language test.
English language tests
We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:
Two year expiry
- IELTS Academic / IELTS Academic for UKVI and IELTS Academic Online: total 7.0 (at least 7.0 in the writing component and 6.5 in each other module)
- TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 (at least 25 in writing and 23 in each other module)
- Trinity ISE: ISE III with a pass in all four components
- PTE Academic: total 73 with at least 73 in writing and 65 in all other components. We do not accept PTE Academic Online.
- Oxford ELLT (Global and Digital): 8 overall with at least 8 in the writing component and 7 in each other component
Three and a half year expiry
- C1 Advanced, formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE): 185 (at least 185 in writing and at least 176 in the other modules)
- C2 Proficiency, formerly known as Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE): 185 (at least 185 in writing and at least 176 in the other modules)
Your English language qualification must be no more than two years old from the start of the month in which the programme you are applying to study begins, unless you are using CAE/CPE, in which case it must be no more than three and a half years old on the first of the month in which the degree begins.
Degrees taught and assessed in English
We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, that has been taught and assessed in English, either:
- In a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI).
UKVI Majority English speaking countries
- On our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries.
Approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries
If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old at the start of the month in which your programme of study begins.
Full details of the University's English language requirements are available on the University's website
Visit the University's English language requirements web page to find out more
Pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes
We also accept satisfactory completion of our English for Academic Purposes programme as meeting our English language requirements. You must complete the programme no more than two years and one month before the start date of the degree you are applying to study.
Find out more about the University's Pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes
Your application may not be successful if you do not currently satisfy any of these requirements; alternatively, you may be offered a place conditional on your reaching the satisfactory standard by the time you start the degree.
English language support
The University runs a series of programmes for English Language Education, including a pre-sessional English Language Programme intended to strengthen your English Language skills before you start your programme of study.
Find out more about English language support offered by the University
Due to high demand, this programme operates a gathered field approach to admissions, with two application deadlines as noted below.
Each application round has a decision deadline, also listed below, but note that we may make offers to the strongest candidates on an ongoing basis, in advance of the published decision deadline.
We strongly recommend that you apply as early as possible, especially if you intend to apply for funding. Applications may close earlier than published deadlines if there is exceptionally high demand. If you are considering applying for our pre-sessional English Language programme, please make sure you apply in Round 1.
Please note that for an application to be reviewed, it must be a complete application by the deadline with all supporting documentation uploaded, including references and transcripts. English language documentation can be submitted later but if you have already met the English language entry requirements for your programme at the time of application, your application may be considered more competitive in selection than applications where an English language test still needs to be taken.
Selection deadlines
Round | Application deadline | Decisions by |
1 | 13 January 2025 | 17 April 2025 |
2 | 29 May 2025* | 30 June 2025 |
Deadlines for UK/Scotland fee status
After round 2, if there are still places available, applications will remain open only to applicants who are eligible for the UK/Scotland fee rate, including the EU/EEA Pre-settled Scotland fee status. Applications will remain open no later than 30 June 2025 and may close earlier than this if the programme becomes full, so we strongly recommend you apply as soon as possible.
If you apply with another fee status after 29 May 2025, your application will be rejected.
Please note that the deadline for meeting the conditions of an offer is 15 August 2025.
*Corrected from 20 June 2025
Applications are made online via the University Application Service, EUCLID.
Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure that you have included the following documentation with your application:
- You will need to submit a personal statement of around 500 words, outlining your academic history and relevant experience.
Guidance on writing your personal statement. - If you have any other relevant experience, for example paid or voluntary work experience or additional qualifications not stated elsewhere, then please include this information in your personal statement, or you can add it to the “Relevant knowledge/training skills” field in the application form.
- Degree certificates showing award of degree.
- Previous academic transcripts for all past degree programmes (please upload the full transcript showing results from all years of study). If you haven’t yet graduated, you may be asked to upload an interim transcript for any degrees that you are currently studying.
- A reference in support of your application. The reference should be academic and dated no earlier than one year from the start of study on the LLM programme.
Reference requirements - Evidence of English language proficiency, if required.
If you are currently studying for your degree or you are not in a possession of an English test result you may still apply to the programme. Please note that it is your responsibility to submit the necessary documents.
Please be aware that applications must be submitted and complete, i.e. all required documents uploaded, by the relevant application deadline in order to be considered in that round. Your application will still be considered if you have not yet met the English language requirement for the programme.
Students at this University must not undertake any other concurrent credit bearing studies in this (or in any other) institution, unless the College has granted permission. The College must be satisfied that any additional credit-bearing studies will not restrict the student’s ability to complete their existing programme of study. Students will not be permitted to undertake concurrent degree programmes in any circumstances.
If you are studying at this or another institution just prior to the start of your postgraduate studies you must have finished these studies before the start of the programme to which you have an offer.
After your application has been submitted you will be able to track its progress through the University's applicant hub.
Application processing times will vary, however the admissions team will endeavour to process your application within four to six weeks of submission. Please note that missing documentation will delay the application process.
You will be informed as soon as possible of the decision taken. Three outcomes are possible:
- You may be offered a place unconditionally
- You may be offered a conditional place, which means that you must fulfil certain conditions that will be specified in the offer letter. Where a conditional offer is made, it is your responsibility to inform the College Postgraduate Office when you have fulfilled the requirements set out.
Please note that the deadline for meeting the conditions of an offer is 15 August 2025. - Your application may be unsuccessful. If your application has not been successful, you can request feedback from us or refer to our guidance for unsuccessful applicants, which explains some of the common reasons we why we reach this decision.
View the University's guidance for unsuccessful applicants
Deferring your offer
We do not normally offer deferrals, however, we may be able to make a very limited number of offers for deferred entry in exceptional circumstances.
If you receive an offer of admission, either unconditional or conditional, you will be asked to pay a tuition fee deposit of £1,500 (within 28 days of receiving your offer) to secure your place on the programme.
The University’s terms and conditions form part of your contract with the University, and you should read them, and our data protection policy, carefully before applying.
Contact us
If you have any questions about applying to the LLM in International Law please don't hesitate to contact us.