Research does not take place in a social vacuum, and our aim is to foster strong collaboration with legal practice, the technology sector and the creative economy.

We are working closely with the Law Society of Scotland on the transformation of the justice system through technology, and Centre members are currently serving on the Data Ethics Group of the Alan Turing Institute and the expert group of AI4Society.
View all SCRIPT Centre research outputs and activities on Edinburgh Research Explorer
Centre for the Decentralised Digital Economy (DECaDE)
Launched in October 2020, DECaDE is a 5-year National Research Centre exploring how emerging data technologies could transform our digital economy through decentralised platforms. DECaDE is a partnership between the University of Surrey as lead institution, the Centre for Design Informatics and Edinburgh Law School at the University of Edinburgh, and the Digital Catapult.
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Emotional AI in Commerce, Civic Life and Security In Japan and the UK (January 2020 - September 2023)
Funded by ESRC and JST in partnership with Edinburgh, Bangor, Stirling, Meiji, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific, and Chuo Universities.
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Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute
The Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute is a multidisciplinary centre of excellence for Digital Economy research centred at the University of Nottingham. Dr Lachlan Urquhart, Lecturer in Technology Law at Edinburgh Law School, is a founding academic partner of the Horizon Institute, along with colleagues at Glasgow, Cambridge, East Anglia, Newcastle and De Montfort.
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Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT
'Fixing the Future' is an interdisciplinary project investigating how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital economy.
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Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society
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Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Governance and Regulation: Better Governance by Design
Led by Professor Subramanian Ramamoorthy from the School of Informatics and Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, the project is part of the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) programme, funded through the UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund and delivered by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
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Cumulative Revelations of Personal Data
An EPSRC funded project.
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Defence Against the Dark Artefacts (DADA)
An EPSRC TIPS 2.0 project on technical, sociological and legal requirements for effective smart home cybersecurity with the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University of Nottingham, and industry partners ARM, BT, Cisco, Digital Catapult, Internet Society, GCHQ, Crossword Cybersecurity, and Petras IoT hub.
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CREATE: Copyright and Creative Economy Centre
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Nordic Eyes Online: Taking surveillance apart
A Nordforsk funded project.
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The Memory Machine
A Horizon/EPSRC project on designing memory preserving IoT for dementia sufferers.
Towards Moral-IT and Legal-IT by Design
A Horizon/EPSRC project on developing card-based tools for building ethical IT systems.
The Centre offers cutting-edge courses in its research fields, and a unique online Masters of Laws (eLLM) at Edinburgh Law School, launched in September 2005. The course covers copyright and related rights, industrial property, international intellectual property, managing intellectual property, forensic computing and electronic evidence, information technology law, law & medical ethics, and developing countries & technology.
Our postgraduate students form a vibrant and active research community, and we aim to integrate them as much as possible in the work of the Centre.
Learn more about the online masters degrees at Edinburgh Law School
View the latest publications by SCRIP members on the Edinburgth Research Portal.