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Mason Institute publications

Book cover - The Human Embryo in Vitro
This book argues that in regulating 'the embryo' – that is, a processual liminal entity in itself - the law is regulating for uncertainty.
The Human Embryo In Vitro: Breaking the Legal Stalemate
By Catriona A.W. McMillan


Embodied Narratives Protecting Identity Interests through Ethical Governance of Bioinformation
Postan, E., Cambridge University Press. 2022. View book. Watch the book launch event


The Human Embryo In Vitro: Breaking the Legal Stalemate 
McMillan, C., Cambridge Bioethics and Law, Cambridge University Press. 2021 View book

The Cambridge Handbook on Health Research Regulation
Laurie, GT, Dove ES, Fletcher I, Ganguli-Mitra A, McMillan C, Postan E, Sethi N, Sorbie A (eds) Cambridge University Press (2021) (in press). View book


Regulatory Stewardship of Health Research: Navigating Participant Protection and Research Promotion
Dove, E.S. (2020) Edward Elgar Publishing View book


Dance, Disability and Law: InVisible Difference
S Whatley, C Waelde, S Harmon, et al. (eds.) (2018), Bristol: Intellect Books. View book


Mason and McCall Smith’s Law and Medical Ethics
Laurie, G., Harmon, S. & Porter, G. 2016 10th ed. OUP. 800 p. View book


Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean
Laurie, G. & Ferguson, P. (eds) 2015. Ashgate. 324 p. View book


Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy
Laurie, G., Waelde, C., Brown, A., Kheria, S. & Cornwell, J. 2013 3rd ed. OUP. 1104 p. View book

Fever Medicine
Harmon, S., Aum, M., Chase, S. & Allen, K. Sep 2013 Edinburgh Law School View book

Mason and McCall Smith’s Law and Medical Ethics
Laurie, G. & Mason, K. 2013 9th ed. OUP. 776 p. View book

Public Acceptability of Data Sharing Between the Public, Private and Third Sectors for Research Purposes
Davidson, S., McLean, C., Treanor, S., Aitken, M., Cunningham-Burley, S., Laurie, G., Pagliari, C. & Sethi, N. 2013 Scottish Government. (Social Research series) View book


Towards a Learning Health Research Regulation System
Laurie, G., in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).

What Could a Learning Health Research Regulation System Look Like?
Laurie, G., in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).

When is Human? Rethinking the 14-day Rule
McMillan, C., in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).

Changing Identities in Disclosure of Research Findings
Postan, E. in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).

Concepts: The Public Interest
Sorbie A, in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).

Humanitarian Research: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Research during Global Health Emergencies
Ganguli-Mitra, A and Hunt, in Laurie, G et al. (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2021) (in press).


Medical Matters’, Scottish Older Client Law Service 
Earle, M. Bloomsbury. Updated 2020.

Doctors and Global Health Security: What Role for Ethics and Regulation?
Farrell AM, in Jacob MA and Kirkland A (eds), Research Handbook on Socio-Legal Studies of Medicine and Health (Edward Elgar, 2020) 319-332.

Laurie, GT and Coleman CH, in Orentlicher, D and Hervey T (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (Oxford University Press, 2020) View chapter 


Greater Glasgow Health Board v Doogan and another (Scotland)
Ganguli-Mitra A and Postan E., Chapter 15 in Scottish Feminist Judgments: (Re)Creating Law from the Outside In (Hart Publishing, 2019)


Dangers from within?: Looking inwards at the role of maladministration as the leading cause of health data breaches in the UK
Stevens, L., Dobbs, C., Jones, K. H. & Laurie, G. 2017 Data Protection and Privacy: (In)visibilities and Infrastructures. Springer, Vol. 36, p. 1-29 29 p. (Law, Governance and Technology Series; vol. 36) View chapter


Trust or Contract: How far does the Contemporary Doctor-Patient Relationship Protect and Promote Autonomy?
Laurie, G. & Mason, J. K. 1 June 2015 Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean. Ferguson, P. & Laurie, G. (eds). Ashgate, p. 73-94 View chapter



Privacy and the Right Not to Know: A Plea for Conceptual Clarity
Laurie, G. 4 Sep 2014 The Right to Know and the Right Not to Know: Genetic Privacy and Responsibility . Chadwick, R., Levitt, M. & Shickle, D. (eds). 2nd ed. CUP, p. 38-52 (Cambridge Bioethics and Law) View chapter

Through the Thicket and Across the Divide: Successfully Navigating the Regulatory Landscape in Life Sciences Research
Laurie, G. & Harmon, S. 16 Sep 2014 Knowledge, Technology and Law. Cloatre, E. & Pickersgill, M. (eds). Routledge, p. 121-36 (Law, Science and Society) View chapter

The Mason Institute frequently responds to calls for evidence and consultations, and proactively makes policy submissions to relevant bodies.

(2020) A response to UK Parliament’s Human Rights (Joint Committee) call for evidence on the human rights implications of the UK Government’s response to COVID-19. View response.

(2020) Does Data Ownership Hinder Biomedical Research?, Sorbie A, Gueddana, W, Laurie, G, and Townend, D., Liminal Spaces Policy Brief, 2020, View brief

(2018) A response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on proposals for reform of the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000, which may be viewed on the Scottish Government Website.

(2018) Consultation response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Bill.

(2016) Background paper for the Nuffield Council on Bioethics providing an overview of key ethical and governance challenges associated with conducting research and innovation in the context of global health.

(2016) Background paper for the Nuffield Council on Bioethics providing an overview of key ethical and governance challenges associated with conducting research and innovation in the context of global health. View background paper.

(2015) Information Commissioner’s Office: Triennial Review 2014.

(2014) Department of Health: Protecting Health and Care Information – A consultation on proposals to introduce new regulations.

(2014) Nuffield Council on Bioethics: The linking and use of biological and health data.

(2014) Scottish Parliament: Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill.


Beyond categorisation: Refining the relationship between subjects and objects in health research regulation
McMillan, C, Dove, E, Laurie, G, Postan, E, Sethi, N & Sorbie, A. In:Law, Innovation and Technology. 2021. View article

A Striking Look into the InvisibleWorld of Phase 1 Clinical Trials: A Book Review of Jill Fisher's Adverse Events
Richards, R. New Genetics and Society, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), pp. 1–2 View article

Ethics Review of Big Data Research: What Should Stay and What Should Be Reformed?
Ferretti A. … Dove E.S. et al. BMC Medical Ethics 2021; 22: 51 (1-13). 

What can data trusts for health research learn from participatory governance in biobanks?
Milne, R, Sorbie, A & Dixon-Woods, M., Journal of Medical Ethics. 2021. View article

Sex selection and global gender justice
Ganguli-Mitra, Agomoni. In: Journal of Social Philosophy, 11.01.2021 View article

What does it mean for a data subject to make their personal data 'manifestly public'?
Dove, ES & Chen, J. An analysis of GDPR Article 9(2)(e), International Data Privacy Law. 2021 View article

To What Extent Are Calls for Greater Minority Representation in COVID Vaccine Research Ethically Justified?
Ballantyne, A and Ganguli-Mitra, A,  in: American Journal of Bioethics, 99-101 (2021) 21(2) View article 

Ethics review of big data research: What should stay and what should be reformed?
Ferretti, A, Ienca, M, Sheehan, M, Blasimme, A, Dove, ES, Farsides, B, Friesen, P, Kahn, J, Karlen, W, Kleist, P, Liao, SM, Nebeker, C, Samuel, G, Shabani, M, Rivas Velarde, M & Vayena, E. , BMC Medical Ethics. 2021. View article

Examining the Power of the Social Imaginary through Competing Narratives of Data Ownership in Health Research
Sorbie A, Gueddana W, Laurie G, Townend D, In: Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 04.02.2021 View article

Raising Standards for Global Data-Sharing
Dove E.S., Chen J., Ni Loideain N.  In: Science 133–134. (2021) 371(6525) 

Better Governance of Human Genomic Data: Clarifying the Issues and Balancing Competing Values
O’Doherty K., Shabani M., Dove E.S. et al. In: Nature Genetics 2–8. (2021) 53(1)



Imagining Life with “Immunity Passports”: Managing Risk During a Pandemic
De Togni G, Boydell N, Chan, Erikainen S, Ford A, Ganguli-Mitra A et al, Discover Society, 1-4. In: Discover Society, Policy Press, 01.06.2020, p. 1-4. View article

Should Consent for Data Processing be Privileged in Health Research? A Comparative Legal Analysis
Dove E.S., Chen J. In: International Data Privacy Law, Vol.10, Issue 02, May 2020, p.117–131. View article

To What Extent Does the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Apply to Citizen Scientist-led Health Research with Mobile Devices?
Dove E.S., Chen J. In: Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 28.04.2020, p.187–195. View article

Public Involvement in the Governance of Population-level Biomedical Research: Unresolved Questions and Future Directions
Erikanien S, Sorbie A, Chan S, et al, In: Journal of Medical Ethics, 06.10.2020. p522-525 View article

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: Time for a Restorative Justice Approach?
Farrell AM, Alghrani A and Kazarian M, In: Medical Law Review, Vol. 28 Issue 03, Summer 2020, p.526-548. View article

Mental Health and Capacity Laws in Northern Ireland and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Powers, Procedures and Protections under Emergency Legislation 
Farrell AM and Hann P , In: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 22.06.2020 View article

Co-production and Managing Uncertainty in Health Research Regulation: A Delphi Study
Fletcher I., Birko S., Dove E.S.,  Laurie G.T., McMillan, C., Postan, E., Sethi, N., and Sorbie, A., Health Care Anal 28 (2020), p.99–120, View article

Fail to Prepare and You Prepare to Fail: The Human Rights Consequences of the UK Government’s Inaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Frowde R., Dove E.S.Laurie G. Asian Bioethics Review, 04.12.2020 View article

Segmenting Communities as Public Health Strategy: A View from the Social Sciences and Humanities
Ganguli-Mitra A, Young I, Engelmann L et al. , In: Wellcome Open Research, 6.05.2020. View article

Establishing the International Genetic Discrimination Observatory
Joly Y. … Dove E.S. et al. In: Nature Genetics, Issue 52, May 2020 p.466–468.

Asian Bioethics Review Enters a New Era
Laurie, G., In: Asian Bioethics Review, Vol. 12, March 2020, p.1-3, View article

Sustaining Bioethical Contributions in Times of Crisis and Change
Laurie, G., In: Asian Bioethics Review, June 2020, p.61-63, View article

Enacting Bioethics
Laurie, G. In: Asian Bioethics Review, September 2020, p.253–255, View article

Bidding farewell to 2020: What lessons have we learned and what can bioethics continue to teach us?
Laurie, Graeme T. In: Asian Bioethics Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, 01.12.2020, p. 375-378. View article

ABC V. St George’s Healthcare Trust And Ors: A New Duty Of Care?
McMillan, C. In: Edinburgh Law Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, September 2020 p.394. View article

DNACPRs and Advance Care Planning in the COVID-19 pandemic: Key Lessons
McMillan, C., and Sobolewska, V., In: Journal of Medical Ethics, 15 April 2020. View article



Beyond Categorisation: Navigating the Relationship Between Subjects and Objects in Health Research Regulation
McMillan C., Dove E.S., Laurie G., Postan E., Seth, N., Sorbie A. In: Law, Innovation and Technology 18.03.2021 View article 

The medicolegal landscape through the lens of COVID-19: time for reform
Mehta, A.R; Szakmany, T.; Sorbie, A. In: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 19.11.2020. View article

Better Governance of Human Genomic Data: Clarifying the Issues and Balancing Competing Values
O’Doherty K., Shabani M., Dove E.S. et al. In: Nature Genetics p 2-8 (2021)

Narrative Devices: Neurotechnologies, Information, and Self-Constitution
Postan, E. Online First p 23-41, 03.02.2021 View article 

Clarifying How to Deploy the Public Interest Criterion in Consent Waivers for Health Data and Tissue Research
Schaefer, G.O., Laurie. G., Menon, S., Campbell, A.V., and Voo, T.C., In: BMC Medical Ethics, Vol. 21, No. 23, 20.03.2020. View article

Children’s best interests and parents’ views: Challenges from medical law
Sorbie, A. In: Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 07.04.2020. View article


Criminalizing medical research fraud: Towards an appropriate legal framework and policy response
Leung GKK. 2019 In: Medical Law International View article

Are Requirements to Deposit Data in Research Repositories Compatible with the GDPR?
Mascalzoni D. … Dove E.S. et al. (2019) In: Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol 170(5), pp 332–334 View article


Medical manslaughter in Hong Kong – how, why and why not
Leung GK (2018) In: Hong Kong Medical Journal, Vol. 24, pp 384-90. View article

The EU General Data Protection Regulation: Implications for International Scientific Research in the Digital Era
Dove E.S. (2018) In: Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Vol 46(4), pp 1013–1030 View article

Broad Consent for Future Research: International Perspectives
Rothstein, M.A. … Dove E.S. et al.  In: IRB: Ethics & Human Research, Vol 40(6), pp 7–12 View article

Malpractice litigation in acute stroke care – where are we now?
Leung GKK, Porter G.  (20018) In: Medico-Legal Journal, Vol 86, pp 134-9 View article

Charting regulatory stewardship in health research: Making the invisible visible?
Graeme Laurie, Edward S. Dove, Isabel Fletcher, Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra, Katy Mcmillan, Nayha Sethi, Annie Sorbie (2018) In: Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics, Vol 27, pp 333-347 View article

The social sciences, humanities, and health
Martyn Pickersgill, Sarah Chan, Gillian Haddow, Graeme Laurie, Devi Sridhar, Steve Sturdy, Sarah Cunningham-Burley (2018) In: The Lancet, Vol 391, pp 1462–1463 View article

Responsible Regulation in Action? Responsible Research and Innovation in the European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells
S Harmon (2018) In: Law, Innovation and Technology,  Vol.10(1), p. 15-39 View article

How do we make sense of chaos? Navigating health research regulation through the liminality of the Brexit process
Graeme Laurie, (2018), In: Medical Law International. View article

When Can the Child Speak for Herself? The Limits of Parental Consent in Data Protection Law for Health Research
Taylor M.J., Dove E.S., Townend D., Laurie G. (2018) In: Medical Law Review, Vol. 26(3), p. 369–391. View article

Research and Global Health Emergencies: On the Essential Role of Best Practice
Nayha Sethi (2018) In:  Public Health Ethics, phy014 View article

Body Extension and the Law: Medical Devices, Intellectual Property, Prosthetics and Marginalisation (Again)
S Harmon, A Brown, et al., (2018) In: Law Innovation & Technology, Vol 10(2), p. View article

Mandatory Infant & Childhood Immunization: Rationales, Issues and Knowledge Gaps
N MacDonald, S Harmon, et al., (2018); In: Vaccine online View article

Book Review: Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy
Dove E.S.(2018) In: SCRIPTed , Vol. 15(1), p. 130–134. View article

Is Physician Dismissal of Vaccine Refusers an Acceptable Practice in Canada? A 2018 Overview
N MacDonald, S Harmon, et al.,(2018) In: Paediatrics & Child Health, p. 116 View article

Better governance, better access: Practising responsible data sharing in the METADAC governance infrastructure
Murtagh, M.J., Blell, M.T., Butters, O.W., Cowley, L., Dove, E.S., Goodman, A., Griggs, R.L., Hall, A., Hallowell, N., Kumari, M., Mangino, M., Maughan, B., Mills, M. C., Minion, J. T., Murphy, T., Prior, G., Suderman, M., Ring, S. M., Rogers, N. T., Roberts, S. J.& 6 others (2018) In: Human genomics. 12, 1, p. 1-12 24 View article

Charting regulatory stewardship in health research: Making the invisible visible?
Graeme Laurie, Edward S. Dove, Isabel Fletcher, Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra, Catriona McMillan, Nayha Sethi, Annie Sorbie, (2018) In: Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics, Vol 27, pp 333-347 View article

Including all voices in international data-sharing governance
Kaye, J., Terry, S. F., Juengst, E., Coy, S., Harris, J. R., Chalmers, D., Dove, E. S., Budin-Ljøsne, I., Adebamowo, C., Ogbe, E., Bezuidenhout, L., Morrison, M., Minion, J. T., Murtagh, M. J., Minari, J., Teare, H., Isasi, R., Kato, K., Rial-Sebbag, E., Marshall, P. & 2 others  (2018) In : Human genomics. 1213p. 1-6 View article

What’s in a Name? The Politics of ‘Precision Medicine'
Chan, S. & Erikainen, S. (2018) In : American journal of bioethics. 18, 4, p. 50-52 View article


A qualitative study of participants’ views on re-consent in a longitudinal biobank
Dixon-Woods, M., Kocman, D., Brewster, L., Willars, J., Laurie, G. & Tarrant, C.  Mar 2017 In : BMC Medical Ethics. p. 1-11 11 p., 18:22 View article

Applying mutual recognition to international research ethics review
Dove, E. S. & Townend, D. 1 Sep 2017 In : Medicine and Law . 36, 1 View article

Approaching Ethics Review Equivalency Through Natural Justice and a ‘Sounding Board’ Model for Research Ethics Committees
Townend D., Dove E.S. Medicine and Law 2017; 36(1): 61–86. View article

Global surgery: a new agenda item for surgical training and professional partnership
Leung GKK. Surgical Practice 2017; 21: 4-7 View article

Balancing the local and the universal in maintaining ethical access to a genomics biobank
Heeney, C. & Kerr, S. 28 Dec 2017 In: BMC Medical Ethics. 18, 1, p.1-11 11p. View article

Beyond individualism: Is there a place for relational autonomy in clinical practice and research?
Dove, E.S., Kelly, S.E., Lucivero, F., Machirori, M.,  Dheensa, S., Prainsack, B. 2017  In: Clinical Ethics p. 150-165 View article

Bioethics in the big data era: health care and beyond
Chan, S. Revista de Bioética y Derecho. 2017; 41:3-32.

Charting regulatory stewardship in health research: Making the invisible visible?
Ganguli-Mitra, A., Laurie, G., Dove, E.S., Fletcher, I., Sethi, N., Sorbie, A. & McMillan, C. Jul 2017 In: Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics. View article

Citizens, science and society: rights and responsibilities in research
Chan, S. In Blancarte Jaber, F; Gómez Ávalos, J, Santillán Doherty, P and Medina Arellano, M (eds) “Ciencia y conciencia: El legado de Rubén Lisker”. Editorial Fontamara, Mexico City: pp159-177.

Criminal prohibition of wrongful re-identification: Legal solution or minefield for big data?
Phillips, M., Dove, E. S. & Knoppers, B. M. 14 Sep 2017 In : Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. p. 1-13 View article

Current and emerging global themes in the bioethics of regenerative medicine: the tangled web of stem cell translation
Chan, S. Regenerative Medicine, 12(7), 839–851. View article

Liminality and the limits of law in health research regulation: What are we missing in the spaces in-between?
Laurie, G. 2017 In : Medical Law Review. 251p. 47-72 26 p. View article

Oversight of genomic data sharing: What roles for ethics and data access committees?
Shabani, M., Dove, E. S., Murtagh, M., Knoppers, B. M. & Borry, P. 24 Aug 2017 In : Biopreservation and biobanking. View article

Rapid Establishment of the European Bank for induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: the Hot Start experience
Paul De Sousa, Harmon. S.H et al. 2017 In : Stem Cell Research. p.105-114. View article

Reconfiguring social value in health research through the lens of liminality
Ganguli Mitra, A., Dove, E.S., Laurie, G. & Taylor-Alexander, S. Feb 2017 In : Bioethics. p. 87-96 View article

The other side of the coin: Harm due to the non-use of health-related data
Laurie, G., Jones, K., Stevens, L., Dobbs, C., Lea, N. & Ford, D. V. Jan 2017 In : International journal of medical informatics. 97p. 43-51 View article

When Can the Child Speak for Herself? The Limits of Parental Consent in Data Protection Law for Health Research
Taylor, M.J., Dove E.S., Laurie, G, Townend, D. ; Nov 2017 In: Medical Law Review. View article

What Does It Mean to Take an Ethics+ Approach to Global Biobank Governance?
Laurie, G.(2017), 9(4), Asian Bioethics Review, 285-300. View article


Abortion and conscientious objection: Doogan – A missed opportunity for an instructive rights-based analysis
Harmon, S. Nov 2016 In : Medical Law International. p. 1-31 31 p. View article

Deep brain stimulation for prolonged disorders of consciousness
Leung GKK. 2016 In: Clinical Ethics; vol. 11: p. 105-11 View article

An “ethical moment” in data sharing
Heeney, C. May 2016 In : Science, Technology & Human Values. 17 p. View article

Beyond regulatory compression: Confronting the liminal spaces of health research regulation
Taylor-Alexander, S., Dove, E.S., Ganguli Mitra, A., Laurie, G., Fletcher, I. & McMillan, C. Dec 2016 In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 82p. 149-176 27 p. View article

Data Safe Havens and Trust: Toward a Common Understanding of Trusted Research Platforms for Governing Secure and Ethical Health Research
Lea N.C., Nicholls J., Dobbs C., Sethi N., Cunningham J., Ainsworth J., Heaven M., Peacock T., Peacock A., Jones K., Laurie G., Kalra D. 2016  In: JMIR Med Inform 4(2):e22 View article

Defining Ourselves: Personal Bioinformation as a Tool of Narrative Self-Conception
Postan, E. 2016. In: Journal of Bioethical Enquiry. 19 p. View article

Developing a Public Interest Mandate for the Governance and Use of Administrative Data in the United Kingdom
Laurie, G. & Stevens, L. 2016 In: Journal of Law and Society. 43, 3, p. 360-392 View article

Elberte v. Latvia: Whose tissue is it anyway ? Relational autonomy or the autonomy of relations?
Dove, E.S., Ganguli Mitra, A., Laurie, G. T., McMillan, C., & Taylor-Alexander, S. 2016 In : Medical Law International. 15, 2-3, p. 77-96 View article

International academic conferences: Significance and legacy of the 13th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics
Sethi, N., Laurie, G. & Harmon, S. 27 Sep 2016 In : Medical Law International. 163-4p. 105-114 9 p. View article

New risks inadequately managed: The case of smart implants and medical device regulation
Harmon, S. H. E., Haddow, G. & Gilman, L. Feb 2016 In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 72p. 231-252 View article


Acting on Incidental Findings in Research Imaging
Wardlaw, J. M., Davies, H., Booth, T. C., Laurie, G., Compston, A., Freeman, C., … Jackson, A. 2015 In : BMJ, 351, h5190. View article

Consent and Anonymisation: Beware Binary Constructions
Dove, E.S. & Laurie, G. April 2015 In: BMJ. View article

Cyborgs in the Everyday: Masculinity and Biosensing Prostate Cancer
Haddow, G. et al. 2015. In: Science as Culture 24(4): 484-506 View article

Health Law and Crossborder Healthcare in Europe: 2015 Conference of the European Association of Health Law
Stevens, L. 2015. In : SCRIPTed. 12, 2, p. 176-179 View article

Imagining Global Health with Justice: Ebola, Impoverished People and Health Systems
Harmon, S. H. E., Gostin, L., Grant, L., Gillies, J. & Laurie, G. 2015 In : Medical Law International View article 

In Search of Global Health Justice: A Need to Reinvigorate Institutions and Make International Law 
Harmon, S. H. E. 2015 In : Health Care Analysis View article

On Moving Targets and Magic Bullets: Can the UK Lead the Way with Responsible Data Linkage for Health Research?
Laurie, G., Sethi, N., et al. 2015. In : International Journal of Medical Informatics. 84, 11, p. 933 View article

Pause for Reflection…and Respect
Laurie, G. 2015 In : SCRIPTed. 12, 2, p. 81-74. View article

Reflections on the Concept of Open Data
Dove, E.S. 2015 In : SCRIPTed. 12, 2, p. 154-166 View article

Regulating in developing countries: Multiple roles for medical research and products regulation in Argentina and India
Harmon, S. & Kale, D. Nov 2015 In : Technology in Society. 43p. 10-22 12 p. View article

Reimagining Regulatory Approaches: on the Essential Role of Principles in Health Research Regulation
Sethi, N. 2015 In : SCRIPTed. 12, 2, p. 91-116 View article

Respecting Autonomy Over Time: Policy and Empirical Evidence on Re-Consent in Longitudinal Biomedical Research
Laurie, G., Gourna, E. G., Shoush, O., Wallace, S. & Wright, J. 2015 In: Bioethics. View article

The Invisibility of Disability: Using Dance to Shake from Bioethics the Idea of ‘Broken Bodies’
Harmon, S. Sep 2015 In : Bioethics. 297p. 488–98 View article

The Proposed Data Protection Regulation and Its Potential Impact on Social Sciences Research in the UK
Stevens, L. 2015 In : European Data Protection Law Review. 12p. 97-112 View article

The Social Licence for Research: Why Ran into Trouble
Carter, P., Laurie, G. & Dixon-Woods, M. 2015 In: Journal of Medical Ethics. View article

Validation and Virtuosity: Perspectives on Difference and Authorship/Control in Dance
Harmon, S., Brown, A., Waelde, C. & Whatley, S. Apr 2015 In : Choreographic Practices. 6View article


Banking (on) the Brain: From Consent to Authorisation and the Transformative Potential of Solidarity
Harmon, S. & McMahon, A. 2014 In : Medical Law Review. View article

Disabled Dance: Grounding the Practice in the Law of ‘Cultural Heritage’
Harmon, S., Waelde, C. & Whatley, S. 2014 In : Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. 203p. 370 View article

Graphic and Novel: An Arts and Law Project
Harmon, S. Apr 2014 In : SCRIPTed. 11, 1, p. 132-136 View article

Recognizing the Right Not to Know: Conceptual, Professional, and Legal Implications
Laurie, G. 2014 In : Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. 42, 1, p. 53-63 View article

The Promotion of Data Sharing in Pharmacoepidemiology
Sethi, N. 2014 In : European Journal of Health Law. 21, 3, p. 271-96 View article


Delivering Proportionate Governance in the Era of eHealth: Making Linkage and Privacy Work Together
Sethi, N. & Laurie, G. 2013 In : Medical Law International. 13, 2-3, p. 168-204 38 p. View article

Enhancing Data Protection and Data Processing in the Public Sector: The Critical Role of Proportionality and the Public Interest
Black, G. & Stevens, L. 2013 In : SCRIPTed. 10, 1, p. 93-122 View article

Governing Risk, Engaging Publics, and Engendering Trust: New Horizons for Law and Social Science?
Harmon, S., Laurie, G. & Haddow, G. Jan 2013 In : Science and Public Policy. 40, 1, p. 25-33 View article

Rhetoric or Reality: What is the Legal Status of Consent Forms in Medical Research?
Laurie, G. & Postan, E. 2013 In : Medical Law Review. 21, 3, p. 371-414 45 p. View article

Towards Principles-Based Approaches to Governance of Health-Related Research Using Personal Data
Laurie, G. & Sethi, N. 2013 In : European Journal of Risk Regulation. 2013, 1, p. 43-57 View article

Nanotechnologies: Big Governance Issues for the Science of Small (in Taiwan and Beyond)
Harmon, S., Yen, S-Y. & Tang, S-M. 2013 In : Far East Journal of Psychology and Business. 11, 1, p. 50-72 View article


Banking (On) the Brain: A Report on the Legal and Regulatory Concerns
Harmon, S. & McMahon, A. 2012 In : SCRIPTed. 9, 3, p. 376-83 View article

Banking (on) the Brain: The Neurological in Culture, Law and Science
Harmon, S. & Haddow, G. Jun 2012 In : Medical Law International. 12, 2, p. 79-91 View article

Do You See What I See?: Disability, Technology, Law and the Experience of Culture
Brown, A., Waelde, C. & Harmon, S. 2012 In : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. 43, 8, p. 901-30 View article

Foresighting Futures: Law, New Technologies, and the Challenges of Regulating for Uncertainty
Laurie, G., Harmon, S. & Arzuaga, F. 2012 In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 4, 1, p. 1-33 33 p. View article

From conflicting narratives to legal conflicts: Patenting and irreconcilable differences on the idea of ‘biovalue’
Harmon, S. 2012 In : Medical Law International. 123-4p. 191-203 View article

Medical Research Data-Sharing: The ‘Public Good’ and Vulnerable Groups
Harmon, S. & Chen, K-H. 2012 In : Medical Law Review. 20, 4, p. 516-39 View article

Peering from the Shadows: Stem Cell Research and the Quest for Regulation in Argentina
Harmon, S. 2012 In : Stem Cell Reports. 8, 3, p. 640-46 7 p. View article


Regulatory Stewardship in Health Research: Policy Brief.
Graeme Laurie and Edward Dove.


Mason Institute Roundtable. Protecting and Promoting: Can regulatory stewardship lead the way in health research?
29 March, 2019, School of Law, University of Edinburgh. Organised by Edward Dove.


Mason Institute Symposium. Healthcare Professionals’ Duty of Care: Should it extend from patients to genetic relatives?
12 June, 2018, School of Law, University of Edinburgh. Organised by Edward Dove.

Liminal Spaces Workshop: Regulating for Uncertainty
1-2 February, 2018, Wellcome, London by Nayha Sethi, Edward Dove, Catriona McMillan, Graeme Laurie, Isabel Fletcher, Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra, Emily Postan and Annie Sorbie.


Governing Health Research from Within: Empowering the Actors Who Occupy Regulatory Spaces
26‐27 January 2017: Wellcome, London. by Agomoni Ganguli Mitra


Workshop Report – From a culture of caution to a culture of confidence: lessons learned from implementing the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011
Laurie, G. & Stevens, L. 2016 Administrative Data Research Centre – Scotland


A Review of Evidence Relating to Harm Resulting from Uses of Health and Biomedical Data
Laurie, G., Stevens, L., Jones, K., & Dobbs, C. 2015 Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 210 p.


Storage, Use and Access to the Scottish Guthrie Card Collection: Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
Laurie, G., Hunter, K. & Cunningham-Burley, S. 2014 Scottish Government Social Research. 79 p.


Novel Neurotechnologies: Intervening in the Brain
Baldwin, T., Cole, J., Fitzgerald, M., Kitzinger, J., Laurie, G., Price, J., Rose, N., Rose, S., Singh, I., Walsh, V. & Warwick, K. 2013 Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 298 p.


Banking (on) the Brain: The Neurological in Culture, Law and Science
Harmon, S. 2012 Project Report. 11 p.

COVID-19 Vaccination in the UK and Ireland: Ethics in Practice, PHELN Working Paper No. 1
Ó Néill C., Tumelty, ME., Donnelly, M., Farrell, AM., Frowde, R. and Pentony, L. June 2021 View paper

The Administrative Data Research Centre Scotland: A Scoping Report on the Legal & Ethical Issues Arising from Access & Linkage of Administrative Data
Stevens, L. & Laurie, G. 27 Aug 2014 University of Edinburgh, School of Law, Working Papers, (Edinburgh Law School Working Papers; no. 2014/26) View paper

Information Governance of Use of Health-Related Data in Medical Research in Scotland: Towards a Good Governance Framework
Laurie, G. & Sethi, N. 2012 University of Edinburgh, School of Law, Working Papers, 73 p. View paper

Farrell, AM, Interview, ‘Up Close - Bad Blood’, TV documentary about UK Contaminated Blood Scandal, February 2021, View media 

Ganguli-Mitra, A: Coronavirus: UK only buying enough vaccines to protect the most vulnerable (Sky News, 28 October 2020) View media

Paton and Ganguli-Mitra ‘Anyone can get coronavirus-but how you fare depends a lot of who and where you are’ The Independent (08.04.2020), View media

Ganguli-Mitra, A. Interview for Practical Ethics with Katrien Devolder: Is the Coronavirus Pandemic Worse for Women, View media