Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group

The Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group (ELTRG) organises a variety of events throughout the year, including a seminar series where guest speakers present and discuss their work, work-in-progress sessions at which PhD candidates and staff in legal theory present work to the legal theory community, a reading group that meets on an ad hoc basis during term-time to discuss important papers and books on legal theory and related areas, and a series of Spring workshops organised by research students and providing an excellent forum for tackling key contemporary issues in conjunction with leading academics.
The ELTRG usually works in tandem with the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory and is kindly sponsored by Hart Publishing.
For questions about the work of the ELTRG or to join our mailing list, please contact us at convenor.legaltheory@ed.ac.uk.
Legal theory has a long tradition in Edinburgh. In 2007, we marked the Tercentenary of the Regius Chair of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations. This Chair was held for over thirty years by Professor Sir Neil MacCormick (1941-2009), whose publications include Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory (1978), An Institutional Theory of Law: New Approaches to Legal Positivism (1986; co-authored with Ota Weinberger), Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State and Nation in the European Commonwealth (1999), Rhetoric and the Rule of Law (2005), Institutions of Law (2007) and most recently Practical Reason in Law and Morality (2009). The Chair is currently held by Professor Neil Walker.
Learn more about the Legal Theory research area at Edinburgh Law School
The current convenors of the Group are María Besomi and Tsampika Taralli, and they may be contacted at convenor.legaltheory@ed.ac.uk.
The post was previously held by:
2020-2021: J.P. Fassnidge and Ismael Martínez Torres
2019 (Autumn): Joaquín Reyes and J.P. Fassnidge
2019 (Spring): Joaquín Reyes
2018 (Autumn): Richard Latta and Joaquín Reyes
2018 (Spring): Richard Latta
2017 (Spring) - 2018 (Autumn): Paul Burgess and Richard Latta
2016-2017 (Summer): Paul Burgess
2016 (Autumn): Lucas Miotto and Paul Burgess
2015 (Autumn) - 2016 (Summer): Lucas Miotto
2015- 2015 (Summer): Martin Kelly and Lucas Miotto
2013-14: Martin Kelly
2012-13: Felipe Oliveira de Sousa and Alexander Latham
2011-12: Wendy van der Neut and Luiz Fernando C. Silveira
2010-11: Paolo Sandro
2009-10: Francisco Saffie Gatica
2008-09: Haris Psarras
2006-08: Maksymilian Del Mar
Current research students in Legal Theory
Aina Arif - Gender Sensitisation: An Ethical and Legal Approach for Gender Equality
Maria Bessomi - Legal formalism and the Mechanical Application of the Law
Sara Canduzzi - Legitimacy without legality: towards a theory of global and supranational authorities'
George Dick - How are "legal" and "non-legal" norms to be distinguished from each other?'
JP Fassnidge - Moral Scepticism and Criminal Law: A Theory of Criminalisation
Aytac Kagan Cura - Constitutional Discourse in the Post-Westphalian Era
Richard Latta - The relationship between International Law and Municipal Legal Systems: a positivistic account
Rodrigo Pablo - The Just Price Theory: Trust and Sociability
Tsampika Taralli - Justification and Explanation in Theories of Law'
Yunqing Liu - International Legal Positivism: A Misunderstanding about Legal Positivism?
Recently completed research students in Legal Theory
Joaquín Reyes – A Reassessment of Just Price Theory
Ismael Martínez – A New Semantics for the Concept of Law: Making Sense of Theoretical Disagreement from a Positivist Standpoint
Constanza Salgado – Private property and its public dimension
Martin Kelly – Re-gilding the ‘Golden’ Rule of Legal Construction
Paul Burgess – Rhetorical conceptions of the rule of law: a lesbian rule?
Lucas Miotto Lopes – Covenants and Swords: Coercion in Law
Vinicius Vidor – Reasoning Over Claims of Identity
Felipe Oliveira de Sousa – Reason-giving as an act of recognition
Emily Postan – Defining Ourselves: self-construction and the governance of personal biological information
Aisling McMahon – The Place for a ‘European’ morality in the patenting of biotechnology
Jaime Ubilla Fuenzalida – Reflexive Law and Property Rights: Tackling the Regulatory Trilemma of Ecosystems Conservation
Konstantine Eristavi – Law, Space and the Political Subject
Stephen Bogle – The Emergence of the Will Theory in Scots Contract Law
Alexander Latham – Visions of Self-Government: Constitutional Symbolism and the Question of Judicial Review
Noppadon Detsomboonrut – International Law as a Constitutionalized Legal System
Asanga Welikala – Beyond the Liberal Paradigm: The Constitutional Accommodation of National Pluralism in Sri Lanka’
X. Panagia Voyatzis Hernandez – Changing Hearts and Minds in Mexico: a Cognitive-Jurisprudential Approach to Legal Education Reform in a Legal System in Transition
Francisco Saffie Gatica – Taxes as Practices of Mutual Recognition: Towards a General Theory of Tax Law
Wendy van der Neut – Consensual exploitation : the moral wrong in exploitation and legal restrictions on consensual exploitative transactions
Paolo Sandro – Creation and Application of Law: a Neglected Distinction
Chloë Kennedy – The Influence of Religion on the Development of Scots Criminal Law
Charalampos (Haris) Psarras – Law’s Authority and the Division of Moral Labour between Legislation and Adjudication
Ross Carrick – Court of Justice of the European Union as a Democratic Forum
Tom Flynn – Judicial Review and the Separation of Powers within European Constitutional Pluralism
Elizabeth Shaw – Determinism, Criminal Responsibility and Punishment
Daniel Torres Goncalves – The role of Law Interpretation to the Protection of Digital Identity Rights
Peng He – Law of Lawmaking—A Study of Lawmaking from a Legal Theoretical Point of View
Findlay Stark – Culpable Carelessness: Recklessness and Negligence in Scots and English Criminal Law
Stephen Thomson – Judicial Review in its Scottish Constitutional Context
Staff in Legal Theory
Neil Walker, Regius Professor of Public Law & the Law of Nature and Nations
Claudio Michelon, Professor of the Philosophy of Law
Euan MacDonald, Senior Lecturer in Jurisprudence
Luis Duarte d’Almeida, Professor of Jurisprudence
Zenon Bankowski, Emeritus Professor of Legal Theory
Burkhard Schäfer, Professor of Computational Legal Theory
Sharon Cowan, Professor of Feminist and Queer Legal Studies
Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, Lecturer in Public Law
Amalia Amaya Navarro, British Academy Global Professor
Edinburgh Alumni in Legal Theory
There have been some outstanding PhDs in legal theory at Edinburgh. Three out of the six European Awards for the best PhD thesis in Legal Theory have been written at Edinburgh (by Emilios Christodoulidis, Fernando Atria and Scott Veitch). A list of our Alumni can be found on our People page
The Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group organises a wide range of event throughout year.
View the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory events page for full details
Edinburgh Legal Theory Staff Videos
Claudio Michelon: ‘A Value for Private Law’. 2016 Inaugural Lecture, University of Edinburgh.
Neil Walker: ‘Intimations of Global Law’. 2012 Montesquieu Lecture at Tilburg University.
Interview with Professor Neil Walker, 21 June 2012, Tilburg University.
Neil MacCormick and Claudio Michelon: Colloquium on Law and Interpretation, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Part I and Part II.
Edinburgh Links
School of Linguistics and English Language
School of Social and Political Science
The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH)
Other Legal Theory Groups
Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Lawrence Solum’s Legal Theory Blog
Other Links
Scots Philosophical Association
Colloquium in Legal, Political and Social Philosophy at NYU
Yale Centre for Law and Philosophy