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About the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory

The Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory (ECLT) combines an openness to diverse areas and styles of theoretical research with a deeply collegiate atmosphere in which staff, students, and visitors collaborate closely to further both personal and shared research agendas.

Old College Quad

The ECLT, in close collaboration with the student-run Legal Theory Research Group, organises a series of events, including a dedicated seminar series and the annual Legal Theory Festival.

Within the Law School ECLT retains close ties with various other Centres – in particular, the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law, the Centre for Legal History, the Edinburgh Centre for International and Global Law and the Europa Institute. Beyond the Law School, we also collaborate intensely with other researchers and research outfits within the University of Edinburgh (such as Eidyn and the Political Theory Research Group) and beyond.

The ECLT is a nodal point of various global research networks in legal theory and legal argumentation and is proud of its role in shaping the future of the field.

View all Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory research outputs and activities on Edinburgh Research Explorer


Once a year, within the context of the Legal Theory Festival, the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory (ECLT) holds a General Meeting in which we take stock of the previous year’s activities, discuss plans for the future, and, when needed, elect new officials.

The day-to-day running of the ECLT is charged to the Centre Director (Amalia Amaya), the Deputy-Director of Communications (Martin Kelly) and the Steering Committee, which currently comprises Neil Walker, Gail Lythgoe, and Sharon Cowan, as well as the PhD students who act as Convenors of the Legal Theory Research Group (Aytac Cura and Holly Hayes).

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Visiting the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory

Edinburgh Law School is a thriving and world-class academic research community, which is enhanced by regular intellectual exchanges with colleagues from the across the UK and internationally. The Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory welcomes scholars who work in the field and who want to spend time within the Centre.

Learn more about the programmes for academic visitors at Edinburgh Law School