Who we are
A lively community of critical thinking, legal expertise and theoretical reaction, ECIGL brings together accomplished scholars and experts bridging a wide span of contemporary international law, including global environmental law, international legal theory, international economic law, human rights, international criminal law, maritime law and the laws of war.

Its members also include scholars of public law and political theory, and it encourages interdisciplinary and crosscutting collaborations across legal specialisms and beyond law.
The ECIGL also boasts an active research culture, which involves a strong cohort of PhD students undertaking research in a variety of fields of international law. Research topics chosen by international law PhD students broadly reflect the interests of members of staff. Many of our research students go on to pursue careers in law schools around the world or to work for governments and/or international organizations. In supplementing their primary research, our PhD students organize a Discussion Group on International Law which functions as an informal space where students can share their research ideas and interests with one another and with members of the academic staff. The format of this Discussion Group includes both presentations by students and staff on their own research topics as well as more general debates on contemporary issues within international law. The Centre's various activities provide not only an opportunity to share academic ideas but also act as a platform from which students can socialize with those who share similar interests.
If you are interested in undertaking postgraduate research in international law at the University of Edinburgh Law School, you can find further information on the Edinburgh Law School Study pages or you can email the Centre Directors: Dr Michelle Burgis-Kasthala or Prof Andrew Lang.
Dr Paul Behrens (Reader in Law)
Professor Christine Bell (Professor of Constitutional Law)
Professor Nehal Bhuta (Chair of Public International Law)
Dr Michelle Burgis-Kasthala (Lecturer in Public International Law)
Dr Ana Maria Daza Vargas (Lecturer in International Economic Law)
Dr Filippo Fontanelli (Senior Lecturer in International Economic Law)
Mr Navraj Singh Ghaleigh (Senior Lecturer in Public Law)
Professor James Harrison (Chair of Environmental Law)
Professor Andrew Lang (Chair in International Law and Global Governance)
Dr Cormac Mac Amhlaigh (Senior Lecturer in Public Law)
Dr Euan MacDonald (Senior Lecturer in Jurisprudence)
Dr Kasey McCall-Smith (Lecturer in Public International Law)
Dr Stephen Neff (Professor of War and Peace)
Dr Ian Park (ECIGL Visiting Fellow)
Dr Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm (Senior Lecturer in International Private Law)
Dr Gavin Sullivan (Reader in International Human Rights Law)
Professor Stephen Tierney (Professor of Constitutional Theory)
Professor Neil Walker (Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations)
Ms Beatrice Hamilton (Teaching Fellow in International Law)
Dr Maria Laura Marceddu (Teaching Fellow in International Economic Law)
Dr Rafael Lima Sakr (Teaching Fellow in International Economic Law)
Lilli Wolland Blomberg 'Norwegian Nurses in the Service of the Third Reich: A Criminological Study of Atrocity Perpetration and Claims to Victimhood'
Tanapoom Chansawang
Rania Amalia Djojosugito 'Crash of the Satellite: An analysis of the regulation of atmospheric re-entry of spacecrafts/space debris in Outer Space Law'
Carla Fischer 'Examining State Responsibility for the Crime Against Humanity of Enforced Disappearance under the ILC' Draft Articles'
Taehyeon Kim 'Is It an Auspicious Time for Establishing the Asian Court of Human Rights?: Feasibility Analysis of Institutionalising Regional Human Rights Court within ASEAN'
Gokce Kolukisa 'Genome Editing in International Law'
Dongjoon Lee 'Challenges to the Non-Discrimination Principle in Digital Trade'
Yunqing Liu 'International Legal Positivism and the Validity of International Law'
Matilde Masetti Placci 'Newly tinted glasses? Revisiting international law's unity (and fragmentation) through the theories of Georg Jellinek, Maurice Hauriou and Santi'
Bruno Rodríguez Reveggino 'The Role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in shaping Multilateralism'
Nidhi Sahay 'Children of a Lesser God: Protecting the best interests of children on the move by building a bridge between international refugee law and international law on the rights of the child'
Bhavinee Singh 'Fiscal Federalism in India'
Sukru Kagan Surucu 'Involvement of UNHCR in Offshore Asylum Processing'
Ammar Tanhan 'Investing in Investment Claims: A Critical Analysis of Third-Party Funding in Context of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System't
Lucy Tomkins 'Rights based approaches in International Ocean Governance'
Valentina Rioseco Vallejos 'Human Rights Law in Chilean domestic courts: Situating Migration and Refugee Issues'