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Legal History links

Ravenna mosaic of Justinian and Theodora

Ames Foundation For the purpose of continuing the advancement of legal knowledge and aiding the improvement of the law 

Association of Young Legal Historians Established to organise the annual conference 'European Forum of Young Legal Historians / Europäisches Forum Junger RechtshistorikerInnen' and to promote academic legal history in Europe and beyond

European Society for Comparative Legal History Promotes comparative legal history and seeks affiliation with individuals and organisations with complementary aims.

History and the Law Research Network Exchanges of Economic, Legal and Political Ideas, Centre for History and Economics, University of Cambridge

Selden Society (UK) The only learned society and publisher devoted entirely to English legal history

Stair Society Encourages the study and advance the knowledge of the history of Scots Law by the publication of original documents and by the reprinting and editing of works of sufficient rarity or importance. (maintains a list of sister societies)