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Winnie Xia

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

MSc Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, University of Bristol
MSc Security Studies, University College Lonon
Ph.D in Politics, University of Essex (expected 2023)


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Winnie Xia is a postdoctoral research fellow with Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform (PeaceRep). Her doctoral studies political violence in popular mobilization. Methodologically, Winnie has a keen interest in computational social science and survey experiments.

Prior to her doctoral degree, Winnie completed an MSc in Securities Studies at UCL. She also holds an MSc in Ethnicity and Multiculturalism from University of Bristol.

Research Interests

  • Protest as tactic
  • Conflict management and peace process
  • Gender studies
  • Text analysis and large language models

Twitter: @winniexia1001

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