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Nicolas Jondet

Nicolas Jondet profile photo

Teaching Fellow in Information Technology Law

LawPALS Lead

Office hours:

Friday 10:00-12:00


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Nicolas Jondet is a teaching fellow in Information Technology law. He holds law degrees from the University of Edinburgh (LLM) and the Paris-Saclay University (Honors) as well as a degree in legal translation from ISIT Paris (Honors).  Nicolas is a legal academic with a keen interest in the legal regulation of technology and innovation, including various aspects of IP law and IT law.  His main research is focussed on digital copyright, drawing upon international, European and comparative legal materials. Current research projects include the applicability of blockchain technology to copyright protected works and the interaction between data mining and copyright.  Nicolas teaches across a range of IT and IP law subjects, including, at present, courses relating to data protection, privacy and surveillance. 

He is part of the SCRIPT centre where he previously worked as a research assistant (2002-2007). Before re-joining the Edinburgh Law School in 2013 as a teaching fellow in Intellectual Property Law and IT law he taught IP and IT law at Strathclyde Law School. 

