Ms Jane Cornwell
Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
MA (Cantab), Dip IP (Bristol), solicitor - non-practising (England & Wales, Scotland), FHEA
Thursday 14:00-15:00
Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2012
View my publicationsJane Cornwell joined the University of Edinburgh as a lecturer in intellectual property law in October 2010. After graduating from the University of Cambridge, she qualified and practised as a solicitor in the intellectual property team at Linklaters LLP in London. Thereafter she spent several years practising at McGrigors LLP in Scotland, latterly as Director in the Edinburgh litigation team specialising in contentious intellectual property.
Since joining the University of Edinburgh, Jane has acted for several years as Programme Director for the Law School’s online LLM in Intellectual Property Law as well as teaching across a range of on-campus and online undergraduate and postgraduate IP courses. She has also acted as Deputy Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies, with particular focus on online learning. She is a co-author of the textbook Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy (3rd, 4th and 5th edns, OUP).
Jane's expertise covers a wide range of IP rights. Her particular interests include trade marks, design law and IP remedies, with a particular focus of the impact of European harmonisation in these fields, including trade marks, designs, patents and breach of confidence. Her present teaching and research interests focus on trade marks, designs and enforcement of IP rights, among other topics. Jane’s recent published work has also included empirical research into intellectual property enforcement in Scotland funded through CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (see further). She has also written on developments in design law, trade marks and IP remedies, with a particular focus of the impact of European harmonization in these fields.
Jane welcomes proposals for PhDs in any area relating to her expertise and research interests.
Twitter: @JCornwell11