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Dr Stephen Coutts

Stephen Coutts

Lecturer in EU Law

Director of Equality and Diversity and Inclusion


Office hours:

Thursday 11:00-13:00

Tel: 01316502006


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Stephen Coutts is a Lecturer in European Union Law. He is a member of the editorial board of European Papers and formerly on the editorial board of the Irish Journal of European Law. He is on the Advisory Board of the Irish Centre of European Law and a former President and current Council member of the Irish Association of Law Teachers. 

His areas of research include the pre-requisites and dynamics of legal integration in an EU setting, EU citizenship and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and EU constitutional law and welcomes PhD applications from any of these fields. He is particularly interested in the interaction of transnational and supranational legal phenomena. His approach combines close reading and deconstruction of legal materials informed by theoretical insights drawn from political theory, criminal law theory and philosophy. He has presented and published widely on these topics.