Dr Parker Hood
Lecturer in Commercial Law
Director of Center for Commercial Law
B Juris, LLB, LLM, PhD
Monday 14:00-15:00
Tel: +44 (0)131-650-2048
Email: parker.hood@ed.ac.uk
View my publicationsParker Hood is a lecturer in the Commercial Law team, in the School of Law.
Parker Hood's book on Principles of Lender Liability (OUP) was published in October 2012. This book concerns the liability of banks and other financial institutions for wrongful conduct towards customers and third parties, e.g., disclosing confidential information, giving negligent advice, selling secured assets at an undervalue, and breaching a contract by refusing to provide agreed finance. The basis of the book is English law and Scots law, although reference is made to other jurisdictions - especially Commonwealth countries.
Parker Hood teaches at: (i) Undergraduate level (company law); (ii) Honours level (Company Law, and Banking Law) and (iii) Postgraduate level (International Banking Law, and Company Law). He has supervised dissertations at LLM and Honours level, as well as at Ph D level. Parker Hood welcomes enquiries about Ph Ds on his areas of interest.
Parker Hood has given annual CPD Update Seminars on "Commercial Law" to the Legal Profession, in Edinburgh and Glasgow, since 1999 (apart from 2009 and 2011). These are done in conjunction with DP Sellar QC, who gives Updates on "Company Law" on the same programme. These are arranged through the University's Office of Lifelong Learning.
In November, 2007, Parker Hood gave a joint CPD seminar with his colleagues, Professor David Bennett and David Cabrelli, on the new provisions of the Companies Act 2006 to the profession in Edinburgh. He spoke on directors' duties.
Prior to that, in August, 2007, he gave a lecture about directors' duties under the Companies Act 2006 for Directorbank, at one day seminar, in Edinburgh, for prospective non-executive directors.
From 1997-2000, Parker Hood gave seminars, with his colleague, Professor MacQueen, and then Ms Marian Glen (then a corporate finance partner at Messrs Shepherd & Wedderburn LLP), on "Directors and the Law" for the Association of Management Education & Training in Scotland (on behalf of the Institute of Directors) and then the Institute of Directors.
In addition to this, Parker Hood is the editor of the Scots Law section of the Journal of Business Law. He is also a member of the Stair Society, a Scottish legal history group, and was, until 2010, a member of the Law Society of Scotland Obligations Committee.
From September, 2013, he has been the Director of the LLM in Commercial Law Programme. (He is currently on sabbatical, and so has temporarily relinquished his duties.)
In January, 2001, he was, briefly, a Visiting Professor at the University of Leuven, in Belgium, as part of the Socrates Programme. Whilst at Leuven, he gave lectures/talks on: (i) the differences between Scots law and English law; (ii) corporate insolvency under British law; and (iii) fiduciary duties.
He was the Director of the European Lawyers Programme ("Eurodevils") from 2008-2011.
Parker Hood has been in charge of the Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law Seminar Programme since 2014/2015. The Programme forms an important part of the LLM in Commercial Law Programme, and the LLM in International Banking and Finance Law Programme. The speakers are interdisciplinary, and often international. Hence, the speakers are from the Law, Economics and Business. For example, the speakers have included: Professor Franklyn Allen (Wharton Business School, Penn/Imperial College, London); Professor Eilis Ferran (Cambridge Law Faculty); Ms Karina McTeague (Financial Conduct Authority, London); Snr Antonio Foglia (Belgravia Asset Management); Judge Forreste (European Court of Justice); and Professor Roberta Romano (Yale Law School).
In addition, Parker Hood has been the Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law since September, 2017 (although he has relinquished his duties temporarily whilst he is currently on sabbatical).