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Dr Murray Earle

Dr Murray Earle profile picture

Lecturer in Medical Law

Director of Exams Postgraduate (Semester 1)

BA (Hons), LLM, PhD

Office hours:

Tuesday 15:00-17:00

Tel: +44 (0)131 650 8183


Murray Earle is a Lecturer in medical law. He is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand (BA Law & International Relations; BA (Hons) Comparative Literature), and the University of Edinburgh (LLM Medical Jurisprudence, Gender, Sexuality and the law; and the Sociology of Law; and PhD in Medical Law).

Murray started his career as a lecturer in medical law at the University of Glasgow, while completing his PhD. That was followed by work as a Senior Researcher at the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe, 2000-2011). From there he developed an independent career, writing, and teaching on, a wide range of online postgraduate medical law courses offered by the School of Law, at the University of Edinburgh. He was also involved in writing for a range of reference publications.

His current teaching is in both the on Campus and Online Distance Learning environments, in a range of medical law courses, with an emphasis on Mental Health Law, End of Life Ethics and Law, and Law and Ethics at the Start and End of Life. These are taught at Masters degree level, as well as CPD. He currently acts as the School Director of Examinations (Postgraduate), and Programme Director for the online General LLM and Postgraduate Certificate in Law. He is also a member of the university Senate, and sits on the Academic Policy and Regulations Committee of the Senate.

Twitter: @murrayearle