Dr Milena Tripkovic
Senior Lecturer in Criminology
PhD, MRes, MSc, MPhil, LLB
Thursday 15:00-16:00
Tel: +44 (0)131 651 5565
Email: milena.tripkovic@ed.ac.uk
View my publicationsMilena Tripkovic is a Lecturer in Criminology and Associate Director for Internationalisation of the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR). Milena joined Edinburgh Law School in 2019, having previously taught at the University of Birmingham, University of Kent and University of Novi Sad. She obtained her PhD and MRes degrees in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute, MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Oxford, and MPhil and LLB degrees from the University of Novi Sad. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. During her PhD studies, Milena was a Visiting Global Scholar at the New York University and a Visiting Doctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.
In line with her diverse educational background, Milena has researched various problems associated with crime and punishment. Her current research, which examines contemporary restrictions to citizenship rights of criminal offenders, is situated at the intersection of law, criminology and normative political theory and explores the issues of punishment, citizenship and community. Her recent book Punishment and Citizenship: A Theory of Criminal Disenfranchisement (Oxford University Press, 2019) is an original account of the normative validity of restrictions to electoral rights of criminal offenders, which shifts the debate from penal theory towards more fundamental problems of citizenship and belonging. The book is part of OUP’s most prestigious criminal law series, Studies in Penal Theory and Philosophy. Milena has previously researched and published on topics such as prison conditions and prisoner rights, restorative and transitional justice, hate crimes and problems associated with crime and punishment of female offenders. Her publications have appeared in journals such as the British Journal of Criminology, Punishment and Society and Howard Journal of Crime and Justice.
Milena has taught a wide variety of courses pertaining to criminal law, criminology, international and transnational crime, and transitional justice. Milena welcomes PhD proposals from the field of criminology, global crime, and comparative criminal justice.
Key publications
• M Tripkovic, No Country for ‘Bad’ Men: Volatile Citizenship and the Emerging Features of Global Neo-colonial Penality (2023) British Journal of Criminology, online first.
• M Tripkovic, Disenfranchisement. In: Ryberg J (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Punishment Theory and Philosophy (forthcoming).
• M Tripkovic, Renouncing Criminal Citizens: Patterns of Denationalization and Citizenship Theory (2022) Punishment and Society, online first.
• M Tripkovic, Transcending the Boundaries of Punishment: On the Nature of Citizenship Deprivation (2021) 61(4) British Journal of Criminology 1044.
• M Tripkovic, Punishment and Citizenship: A Theory of Criminal Disenfranchisement (Oxford University Press, 2019)
Twitter: @TripkovicMilena
Google Scholar: Milena Tripkovic