Dr Andrew Cornford

Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law
Head of Subject Area: Criminal Law
LLB (Hons), BCL, PhD
Tuesday 16:00-17:00
Tel: +44 (0)131 651 4085
Email: A.Cornford@ed.ac.uk
View my publicationsAndrew’s research interests lie within criminal law and legal theory. His work to date has mostly focused on the substantive criminal law, especially questions relating to criminalisation and its legitimacy. His publications have examined the proper limits of the criminal law both in general and in specific contexts. A particular focus of this work has been the expanding scope of inchoate or “preventive” criminalisation in areas such as counter-terrorism law.
Andrew’s current work continues to examine issues within criminalisation theory. He is also beginning to think about the normative foundations of procedural criminal law. His broader interests extend to other aspects of criminal law, justice and punishment, as well as to comparative criminal law and to related topics within legal, moral and political philosophy. He would welcome proposals from prospective research students in his areas of interest, especially for projects relating to criminal law theory and/or criminalisation.
Andrew first moved to Edinburgh in 2012. Before that, he studied at the Universities of Warwick (PhD), Oxford (BCL) and Southampton (LLB).