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Dr Amy Lawton

Amy Lawton profile photo

Senior Lecturer in Tax Law

Director of Undergraduate Studies (Semester 2)


Office hours:

Thursday 14:00-15:00


View my publications

Amy joined Edinburgh Law School in 2021. Since then, Amy has founded the Scottish Tax Clinic, an award-winning clinic that brings law students, tax professionals, and our community together to provide free tax advice for low-income individuals. The Scottish Tax Clinic has gone on to save tens of thousands of pounds for people in Scotland. Amy is passionate about community engagement and public education in tax.

Amy’s research interests broadly lie in tax and the environment. She is particularly interested in environmental taxation; clinical tax education and how tax is understood and perceived in the UK. Her recent work has explored clinical tax education, the status of tax education in UK higher education, how tax professionals perceive taxation, and how environmental taxation can be used to drive behavioural change in businesses in relation to energy consumption.

Amy was the 2020 Abe Greenbaum Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales and is a member of the Tax Research Network Research Committee. In addition, she has participated in the broader work of HMRC, the Scottish Government, the Office of Tax Simplification, and the Chartered Institute of Taxation. In addition to her academic work, Amy has also written for both Taxation and the Tax Adviser, which are professional tax magazines.

Amy is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

PhD Supervision Interests

Amy would be particularly interested in PhD proposals under the following areas: tax law; environmental taxation; tax education; and tax policy.

Social Media

Twitter: @amy_lawton_