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Dr Alasdair Peterson

Alasdair Peterson

Lecturer in Private Law

Co-Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations; School Academic Misconduct Officer

LLB (Hons), PhD, DPLP, NP

Office hours:

Monday 14:30-16:30


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Alasdair Peterson joined the School of Law in January 2022 as a Lecturer in Private Law. He previously studied here for his LLB (2012), PhD (2017) and Diploma in Professional Legal Practice (2017).  Following his studies, Alasdair completed his traineeship with a firm in Edinburgh and qualified as a solicitor and notary public. He was a Lecturer in Private Law at the University of Glasgow from 2020 to 2022.

Alasdair's principal research interests lie in the law of property, together with a broader interest in Scots and comparative private law. A revised version of his doctoral thesis on Prescriptive Servitudes was published in May 2020 as volume 7 of Edinburgh Legal Education Trust's Studies in Scots Law series. Alasdair also contributed a national report on Scots law to the Common Core of European Private Law project on Acquisition of Land through Long-Term Use (edited B Hoops & E Marais). More recently, Alasdair has extended his research into the role and purpose of doctrinal concepts and rules in Scots property law.

Alasdair is a member of the Ius Commune Research School and a Fellow of the European Law Institute. While studying for his PhD, he also spent a year in Hamburg as part of Professor Reinhard Zimmermann's group at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law.

Alasdair has delivered CPD sessions and academic opinions to law firms across Scotland.


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