Dr Christopher Boniface
Research Fellow in IT Law
Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2008
Email: cbonifac@exseed.ed.ac.uk
View my publicationsChristopher Boniface is a Research Fellow in IT Law at Edinburgh Law School. His research areas include the legal areas of health, tort, criminal, intellectual property, human rights, and technology law. Christopher received his PhD in Law from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, where he explored the impact of emergent artificial intelligence technologies on established healthcare protections. Alongside his PhD, he taught and tutored extensively across intellectual property, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, criminal law, criminal procedure, introductory law courses and AI law.
Prior to his PhD in Law, Christopher completed a double degree where he majored in English literature and minored in Philosophy (with a focus on bioethics and religious ethics). Coming from an interdisciplinary background of both humanities and law, he utilises a wide array of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed disciplinary research techniques in his work.
Currently, he is working as part of the team on a project funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) called “Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT”. This project sets out to investigate how the lack of repairability or access to such within the consumer Internet of Things will impact citizens inclusion, security, and sustainability in the ever-growing digital economy.