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Professors McAra and McVie win ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize

Wed 10 July 2019

ESRC prize

At a ceremony in London on the evening of 9th July 2019, Professors Lesley McAra and Susan McVie of the Edinburgh Law School were announced as the winners of an ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize in the Outstanding Public Policy Impact category.

The professors were awarded the prize for their work on the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime (ESYTC) which followed the lives of 4,300 young people over two decades, tracking development, interactions with police and courts, and the physical and social structure of the neighbourhoods where they lived. Ultimately, the study provided key evidence for the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill, which was passed in May 2019. The study showed that criminalisation of vulnerable children at a young age increases the risk of repeat offending and, eventually, adult criminality.

On winning the award, the professors paid tribute to the young people who took part in their study, saying “this award is for them”.

Congratulations to Lesley and Susan on their well-deserved award!
