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Prof. Jo Shaw to give keynote lecture in a UCSIA series on European values, citizenship and belonging

Thu 1 April 2021

European Values and the Wider World

On Wednesday 5 May 2021, Professor Jo Shaw of Edinburgh Law School will give a keynote lecture on 'Citizenship Regimes in Europe and Beyond' alongside Eva Brems of Ghent University, as part of a series on 'European Values and the Wider World' organised by UCSIA, University of Antwerp.

In this lecture, Jo Shaw will explore how a constitutional perspective on citizenship can provide some of the normative foundations for ‘building back better’ and developing solidarity in the post-pandemic world. The focus will be on showing how the pandemic has shifted the meanings of certain social behaviours (such as wearing face coverings), questioning how this insight into the paradoxical nature of ideas of citizenship can be applied to thinking about a post-pandemic citizenship.

Find out more and register for this online event.

European Values and the Wider World

What are the ‘European values’ that we hear about so often? What are the links between European values and identity, belonging and citizenship?

Current debates about these values display the frailty of their very notion. Both advocates and adversaries of the European Union invoke these values and step forward as their true representatives, just as much as left-wing, right-wing and populist politicians. The lecture series invites experts and scholars to discuss and reflect on the questions raised by the controversial issue of European values.

Following two series in 2020, this third series ‘European Values and the Wider World’ presents three sessions focusing on the meaning of citizenship and belonging in Europe’s relationships across the globe and within global trends.


Tribalization of Europe in the World
Wednesday 28 April 2021, 4 - 5.30 p.m. UTC+2
Marlene Wind, Centre for European Politics, University of Copenhagen
Koert Debeuf, EUobserver

Citizenship Regimes in Europe and Beyond
Wednesday 5 May 2021, 4 - 5.30 p.m. UTC+2
Jo Shaw, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
Eva Brems, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University

Colonialism Shaping European Citizenship
Wednesday 12 May 2021, 4 - 5.30 p.m. UTC+2
Gurminder K. Bhambra, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex
Tomaso Ferrando, Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp


Find out more and register for this online event.
