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Professor Jo Shaw delivers keynote at GlobalCIT Annual Conference

Tue 3 December 2019

Jo Shaw

On 21 November 2019, Professor Jo Shaw gave the keynote address at the GlobalCIT Annual Conference held in Florence, Italy.

Professor Shaw’s speech, entitled ‘The populist challenge to constitutional citizenship’, was based on a chapter from her forthcoming book The People in Question which is due for publication in May 2020.

The theme of this year’s GlobalCIT conference was ‘The Value of Citizenship for Individuals and States’, with discussions on citizenship and social and political rights, citizenship and the politics of migration, and evolving conceptions of citizenship, among other topics.

Dr Milena Tripkovic, Lecturer in Criminology at the Edinburgh Law School, also presented a paper at the conference entitled 'Transcending the boundaries of punishment: On the nature of citizenship deprivation' which forms part of Dr Tripkovic's research on citizenship sanctions in contemporary Europe. 

This year GlobalCIT, of which Professor Shaw has been one of three co-directors since its inception, celebrates its tenth anniversary. Since the Observatory was established there have been seven books published on the basis of its work, as well as 50 book chapters, and 335 publications submitted to CADMUS. The GlobalCIT network is made up of 395 individuals from academic and policy institutions all over the world. Read more about GlobalCIT’s ten-year statistics here.
