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Call for Papers: 3rd Leuven-Maynooth-Edinburgh Brexit Seminar

Tue 23 March 2021

Leuven Maynooth Edinburgh Call for Papers

The 3rd Leuven-Maynooth-Edinburgh Brexit Seminar will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 16 June 2021, hosted by the School of Law, University of Edinburgh, the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law and Fundamental Rights, Maynooth University and the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven.

Download call for papers document (.pdf)

Call for papers

The implications of Brexit: EU and post-EU constitutional and substantive law

Almost six months after the end of the transition period and after the full effects of Brexit have started to unfold, this seminar aims to assess the EU and post-EU constitutional and substantive law implications of Brexit on the EU and the UK.

This seminar follows two earlier seminars – held in Leuven in November 2017 and Edinburgh in November 2018 – which had a similar focus. Now that Brexit has actually happened, it will be instructive to re-visit the themes that dominated the academic and political discussion previously.

This call is particularly aimed at early career researchers. We are also very keen on the involvement of early careers scholars who are primarily active in one of the substantive areas of law which have an EU dimension (e.g. labour law, financial law, administrative law …).

Selected contributions to this seminar will be published in a special weekend edition for EU Law Live. Contributions will be ca. 1500 words in length. The contributions selected will have to be submitted by 1 June 2021, i.e. in advance of the seminar in order to ensure timely publication. The organisers will then work with the contributors to ensure a high quality of the special edition. The selection will happen on the basis of quality, thematic fit, and timely completion.

The following themes are indicative only and we welcome all submissions on the overall theme of the seminar.

Themes of EU and post-EU constitutional law, e.g.

  • the relationship between the Withdrawal Agreement and Trade and Cooperation Agreement;
  • implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement and Trade and Cooperation Agreement under EU law and under UK law;
  • the enforceability and enforcement of the Withdrawal Agreement and Trade and Cooperation Agreement;
  • dispute settlement after Brexit;
  • British nationals within EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies: their status and limits after the withdrawal;
  • the status of EU law in the UK after the withdrawal;
  • prospects of future negotiations/re-negotiations;
  • the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Themes of EU and post-EU substantive law, e.g.

  • Customs arrangements under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement;
  • The Withdrawal Agreement and the free movement of goods, persons, services and/or capital;
  • the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU competition law;
  • Impact of Brexit on future of EU (trade) agreements with third countries;
  • EU-UK cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs after Brexit;
  • CFSP and CSDP after Brexit;
  • What does Brexit mean for European market integration more generally?
  • The Trade and Cooperation Agreement and cooperation in security matters;
  • Private international law after Brexit.

Discussions will be organised in panels. Each panel will be joined by a discussant from either Leuven, Maynooth, or Edinburgh.

Information and deadlines

Abstracts for proposed papers should be sent (about 350 words) by Friday 30 April 2021, to Please indicate whether you wish your contribution to be considered for the special EU Law Live weekend issue (NB: in that case your contribution will have to be submitted by 1 June 2021).

Download call for papers document (.pdf)
