Edinburgh Law School’s LLM Human Rights Clinic present their project findings
Tue 21 May 2024

On 9 May 2024, the LLM Human Rights Clinic presented their project findings to a formidable audience, including representatives of the Scottish Government, the Improvement Service, UNICEF, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland, Aberlour, JustRight, among many others. The semester-long project delivered a comparative analysis of almost 200 child rights impact assessments (CRIA) in Scotland and Wales set against international indicators of good practice.
The presentation, delivered by Bhavika Rose Shaju, Claire Pizzuro, Maria Pirvu, and Sreshta Madhavaram, reflected the semester-long intensive learning project developed in conjunction with the project partner Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights) and under the supervision of Dr Kasey McCall-Smith. Their findings demonstrated that both countries are making steady improvements in their CRIA practices - and that both have a lot to learn from each other. The remaining members of the project teams, Benedetta Riciputi, María José Flores Ramírez, Niharika Goel, and Shubhangi Bist, fielded questions from the audience following the presentation.
Dr McCall-Smith said: “The extensive research and analysis that these students put into developing their project reports and presentations is another demonstration of impactful work by LLM in Human Rights students. Their work is already informing decision makers and I am incredibly proud of them.”
The two group reports will be published by Together in the coming weeks and will serve as a great source of learning for anyone looking at how to embed a children's human rights approach to law and policy decision making.