ELTRG Legal Theory Spring Festival - Law, Covid, Crisis

Virtual event
Wed 2 June 2021
15:00 - 17:00
The Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group presents
Law, Covid, Crisis
As part of the programme of the Annual Legal Theory Spring Festival, this seminar will examine how the Covid 19 pandemic has affected the ways in which we view and respond to crisis, and how law is implicated in this.
The seminar will be chaired by Neil Walker and will feature general discussion following three introductory talks by:
- Dr Deval Desai (Lecturer in International Economic Law, University of Edinburgh) looking at the way in which the pandemic has influenced how we understand ‘crisis’
- Prof Roberto Gargarella, (Professor of Constitutional Theory and Political Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires) looking at some of the constitutional stresses caused by the Covid emergency
- Dr Agomoni Ganguli Mitra, (Co-Director, Mason Institute for Medicine, Life Sciences and the Law, University of Edinburgh) looking at how global structures of inequality compromise responses to the pandemic
Please direct all enquiries to the Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group