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Edinburgh Legal Theory Spring Festival

Old College Quad


Various Locations within Old College
South Bridge



The Edinburgh Legal Theory Research Group (ELTRG) and the Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory (ECLT) present the annual Legal Theory Spring Festival 2022.


The event will run from Tuesday 31st of May to Friday 3rd of June 2022.

Attendance is free and open to all. No registration is required for in person attendance. To attend virtually please register with the appropriate Zoom links (below).



Tuesday 31st May 

10:00 am- 12:30 pm Roundtable: Machine Ethics (organized by the Edinburgh Legal Theory Society) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest speakers: Burkhard Schafer (University of Edinburgh); Nadin Kokciyan (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh); and Sinan Geylani (Virtual i Technologies)

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


2:00 pm-4:00 pm. Roundtable: Authoritarianism and constitutionalism (organized by Deval Desai) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest speakers: Helena Alviar (Sciences Po Law School), Martin Krygier (School of Global and Public Law, Faculty of Law and Justice, University of New South Wales), Rebecca Tapscott (School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Edinburgh), Neil Walker (Edinburgh Law School).

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


4: 30 pm- 6 pm. Keynote Lecture: Anne Phillips (London School of Economics), ‘Equality as Commitment’ - Usha Kasera Lecture Theatre, Old College, EH8 9YL

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


Wednesday 1st June

10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Book symposium: The Rule of Laws: a 4,000 -Year Quest to Order the World, by Fernanda Pirie (organized by Neil Walker) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest Speakers: Neil Walker (University of Edinburgh), Tobias Kelly (University of Edinburgh), and Martin David Kelly (University of Edinburgh).

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Book symposium: The Making of Constitutional Democracy, by Paolo Sandro (organized by Martin David Kelly, Claudio Michelon and Neil Walker) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest Speakers: Kara Woodbury-Smith (Durham University), Michael Foran (University of Strathclyde), Ana Cannilla (University of Glasgow), and Conor Crummey (University of Glasgow) 

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


Thursday 2nd June

10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Workshop – Virtue and the Legal Professions in Institutional and Organizational Contexts (organized by Amalia Amaya, Claudio Michelon, and Iris Van Domselaar - Amsterdam Center on the Legal Professions at the University of Amsterdam) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest speakers: Santiago Mejía (Fordham University); Tristan Rogers (California State University); Edward Brooks (Oxford University); Sean Cordell (Open University); Boudewjin de Bruin (University of Groningen); Mark Alfano (Macquarie University); Mandi Astola (Eindhoven University of Technology); Shannon Vallor (University of Edinburgh), and Richard Brooks (New York University).

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE


Friday 3rd June

09:15am - 5:15 pm. Workshop - Law and Risk (organized by Giada Fratantonio, Claire Field, Martin Smith, Philip Ebert -AHRC-funded Varieties of Risk Project; University of Edinburgh and University of Stirling Philosophy Department) - Raeburn Room, Old College, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

Guest speakers: Lewis Ross (London School of Economics); Sandra Marshall (University of Stirling); Antony Duff (University of Stirling); Aness Webster (Durham University); Melissa Hamilton (University of Surrey); Katherine Puddifoot (Durham University); and Navraj Singh (Edinburgh Law School).

Register to join this event virtually on ZOOM HERE



