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The Compass of Rights - Duties of the State in the Stormy Seas of Climate Change

The Compass of Rights - Duties of the State in the Stormy Seas of Climate Change


Quad Teaching Room, 
Old College


Fri 23 February 2024
14:00 - 16:00

About the event

Climate change presents one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far reaching implications for environmental sustainability, human rights, and global justice. Climate change poses significant challenges to the enjoyment of human rights worldwide, affecting especially the most vulnerable and marginalized groups disproportionately. Although it is mostly agreed that climate change “has implications for the full enjoyment of human rights” it is still not clear “whether, and to what extent, such effects can be qualified as human rights violations in a strict legal sense.”

In this seminar the intricate relationship between human rights and climate change will be explored in the light of the discussion on barriers on the human rights approaches to climate change while examining the nature of the relationship in between them. The discussion will further focus on the obligations of states to protect and fulfill human rights in the context of environmental degradation and climate-related risks within the framework of the template of “what, who and to whom.”

This seminar will be led by Professor Nilay Arat, Kadir Has University, Turkey. Professor Arat is currently a visiting researcher at Edinburgh Law School. 


Image Credit: Jordan Madrid
