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Current student scholarships

Edinburgh Law School offers a range of different funding opportunities and awards to help current students with career development, further study and hardship circumstances.

Law student

These awards and scholarships are part of Edinburgh Law School’s commitment to enhancing opportunities for its students to reach their potential in whatever career they wish to pursue.

About the scholarship

The Dalgety Scholarship awards £1000 to students who are completing their degree course and who undertake to proceed to postgraduate research or advanced study approved by Edinburgh Law School.

Application details

Applications forms are available from the Edinburgh Law School reception or by contact  Recipients of the Dalgety Scholarship will be asked to submit a short update on how the scholarship has benefited them, which may be shared with donors or used for Edinburgh Law School promotion.

Deadline for applications for the Dalgety Scholarship is 31 August 2023.

About the scholarships

Thanks to generous gifts and legacies from alumni, we are able offer scholarships to assist current Edinburgh Law School students on their path to achieving their career goals, and the scholarships have been supported by alumni for this purpose.

Eligibility and important information

Edinburgh Law School LLB, Graduate LLB, LLM, MSc, Diploma and PhD students are eligible to apply.

Career Development Scholarships will provide a bursary of up to a maximum amount of £2000 to each successful applicant in support of the costs of pursuing a career development opportunity such as an internship, work placement, or fellowship within an organisation*. Conference attendance and similar kinds of activities will not be funded.

Awardees will be required to submit a 1000 word report on their experience and a profile picture that can be shared with donors and the wider law school community.

*Internships, placements or fellowships

Any structured activity provided by an organisation that can be linked to your professional or personal development goals will be considered. This may include, for example, an internship at a UK or International Law Firm, conducting voluntary work for an aid organisation or global NGO, or other forms of placements that allow for reflective learning and development.

Application details

Only complete applications will be considered and must contain:

  1. A letter of motivation explaining the nature of the internship, placement or fellowship and the organisation in which it will be undertaken; the relationship between the applicant’s career ambitions and the internship, placement or fellowship, and the applicant’s motivation for undertaking it; the extent to which the applicant has undertaken courses and other forms of training relevant to the internship, placement or fellowship.
  2. Evidence of acceptance of the applicant for the internship, placement or fellowship, such as a letter or email of acceptance. Where a decision is pending, evidence of the application for the internship can be accepted on the understanding that any award of the Career Development Scholarship will be conditional upon a confirmed acceptance of the applicant by the organisation.
  3. A budget setting out estimates of:
    • the income from undertaking the internship, placement or fellowship;
    • the costs of undertaking the internship, placement or fellowship;
    • the expected funding shortfall taking into account any support provided by the organisation at which the placement takes place; and
    • any personal access to other resources to make up for such shortfall. Please note that having the ability to make up the shortfall does not preclude the applicant from obtaining a Career Development Scholarship, but is one of the factors that will be taken into account.
  4. Academic transcripts for all courses undertaken so far at Edinburgh.
  5. One letter of reference from an academic staff member at Edinburgh Law School.

If you are interested in applying it is your responsibility to apply for and obtain the internship, placement or fellowship. The internship, placement or fellowship must take place in the calendar year of your application. Career Development Scholarships will not be awarded retrospectively.

Submit applications to Only complete applications will be considered.

Applications for 2024/25 will close on Friday, 9 May 2025.

About the donors

Jack and Jean Wasserson Industry Support Scholarships

Established by the estate of the late Rodney Bernard Wasserson, alumnus of the school, in honour of Rodney’s parents, Jack and Jean Wasserson to support the success of students studying law.

The Gill Hollis Tercentenary Awards

The awards were established as a gift from Gill Hollis, alumna, in 2007 to mark 300 years of law at the University. The awards provide support for students to enrich their studies by accessing professional and cultural experiences through travel.

The Gilchrist Career Development Scholarships

These scholarships were established by Marlene Gilchrist, alumna, to assist current Edinburgh Law School students on their path to achieving their career goals, enhancing opportunities for its students to reach their potential in whatever career they wish to pursue.

The White and Case Career Development Scholarship

These scholarships were established by international law firm White & Case to allow students to pursue personal or professional development opportunities. White & Case work closely with Edinburgh Law School and take a keen interest in providing further opportunities for students wherever possible.

Recent awardees

2023/24 Scholarship Awardees

2022/23 Career Development Scholarship Awardees

2021/22 Career Development Scholarship Awardees

About the scholarships

Ewen Cameron Travel and Summer School Scholarships (The Ewen Cameron Scholarships), endowed by a generous gift from an alumnus, is to support Edinburgh Law School students to undertake travel projects intended to further their personal or academic development, which may include participation in conferences  or summer school participation.

Eligibility and important information

Edinburgh Law School LLB (Hons), Graduate LLB, MSc, LLM and Diploma students are eligible to apply.

The scholarships will provide a bursary of up to a maximum amount of £1000 to up to 10 successful applicants in support of the costs of:

(a) travel to an academic or professional conference which will enhance the research or professional profile of the student.

(b) participation in a taught summer school (online or in person), which makes a demonstrable contribution to a student’s educational, research or professional development.

(c) participation in other travel projects where a student can demonstrate benefit to their academic or professional goals.

Awardees will be required to submit a 500 word report on their experience and profile picture that can be shared with donors and the wider law school community.

Application details

The process for applying for an Ewen Cameron Scholarship is competitive, and applications will be reviewed by a panel of Edinburgh Law School faculty.

Applicants must submit the following:

  1. Evidence of acceptance to attend, participate in and or present at an academic, professional or similar conference/activity  OR Evidence of acceptance to attend and participate in a summer school relevant to your research or professional development.
    • If you have applied for a conference or summer school, but have not secured an acceptance at the time of application for the Ewen Cameron Scholarships, you are eligible to apply. If selected, you may be conditionally approved, but will need to provide evidence you have been accepted before the disbursement of any funds.
  2. Letter of Motivation explaining your motivation, including why you wish to undertake conference travel or summer school, and how it relates to the development of your research or professional profile and/or career progression.
  3. Academic Transcript. Academic performance and excellence, where appropriate to the application. Please note that academic performance is not the sole criteria and the selection panel will consider academic results as only one dimension of the decision process.
  4. Budget to demonstrate financial need.
  5. One letter of reference from an academic staff member at Edinburgh Law School. 

If you are interested in applying it is your responsibility to apply for and obtain acceptance to a conference or summer school. The conference or summer school must take place in the calendar year of your application. Ewen Cameron Scholarships will not be awarded retrospectively.

Submit applications to Only complete applications will be considered.

Applications for 2024/25 will close on Friday 16 May 2025.

About Ewen Cameron

Ewen Cameron graduated with an LLB in 1956, and also holds a Master of Arts from the University of Edinburgh, which he graduated from in 1954.

Recent awardees

2023/24 Scholarship Awardees

2022/23 Ewen Cameron Awardees

2021/22 Ewen Cameron Awardees

About the scholarship

The Lorimer Scholarship in International Law awards £500 to students who two years immediately before the award is made have successfully completed an examination in one of the following subjects for any degree in the University:

  • International Law
  • International Organisations Law and Practice
  • International Economic Law and Organisations
  • International Economic Organisations
  • EU Law
  • European Institutions
  • International Private Law

Preference will be given to candidates undertaking a degree in Law and the Diploma is excluded from the award.

Application details

Application forms are available from the Edinburgh Law School reception or by contacting

Recipients of the Lorimer Scholarship in International Law will be asked to submit a short update on how the scholarship has benefited them, which may be shared with donors or used for Edinburgh Law School promotion.

Deadline for applications for the Lorimer Scholarship in International Law is 31 July 2024.

About the scholarship

One scholarship of £1,750 will be awarded to the applicant who has the best academic record in the subjects they have taken during their first year of the Graduate LLB.

Eligibility and important information

These awards are available for any first year student on the Graduate LLB degree programme at Edinburgh Law School proceeding into their second year of study. Applicants must not be in receipt of a full Education Authority Award or other similar means of financial support (e.g. the Carnegie Trust, University Hardship Bursary).

Application details

Application forms are available from the Edinburgh Law School reception or by contacting

Recipients of the Margaret Malloch Scholarship will be asked to submit a short update on how the scholarship has benefited them, which may be shared with donors or used for Edinburgh Law School promotion.

Deadline for applications for the Margaret Malloch Scholarships is 26 February 2024.

About the scholarship

One award to the maximum value of £1000 is awarded to a student who has passed, within three years immediately prior to the date of the award, the last exams necessary for graduation in Law. The holder must pursue a course of advanced study in law approved by Edinburgh Law School during their tenure, and must not undertake any other employment or course of study except with the consent of the School.

Applications details

Application forms are available from the Edinburgh Law School reception or by contacting

Recipients of the Vans Dunlop Scholarship will be asked to submit a short update on how the scholarship has benefited them, which may be shared with donors or used for Edinburgh Law School promotion

Deadline for applications for the Vans Dunlop Scholarship is 31 August 2023.